Address Data |
AddressBlock1–AddressBlock9 |
Block1–Block10 |
AddressBlock3–AddressBlock10 are used for addresses in the United States and its
possessions. |
AddressLine1–AddressLine6 |
AddressLine1–AddressLine2 |
AdministrativeDistrict |
No |
ApartmentLabel |
Yes |
ApartmentNumber |
Yes |
BlockName |
No |
BuildingName |
Yes |
City |
Yes |
City.AddInfo |
CitySubdivision |
CitySubdivision.matched provides the status for a city subdivision match. |
City.SortingCode |
No |
Contact |
No |
Country |
Yes |
County |
StateProvinceSubdivision |
StateProvinceSubdivision depends on country. |
FirmName |
Yes |
Floor |
No |
HouseNumber |
Yes |
LastLine |
No |
LeadingDirectional |
Yes |
Locality |
No |
The Global Addressing Module only has City. |
POBox |
Yes |
PostalCode |
Yes |
PostalCode.AddOn |
Yes |
PostalCode.Base |
No |
Room |
No |
SecondaryStreet |
No |
StateProvince |
Yes |
StreetName |
Yes |
StreetNme.Matched provides the status of a match on street name. |
StreetSuffix |
StreetType |
StreetType.Matched returns the status of match on street type. |
SubBuilding |
No |
Suburb |
No |
Territory |
No |
TrailingDirectional |
Yes |