The Geo Raster SDK version 2.0 contains the following features.
RasterEngines is a final class that initializes Geo Raster SDK with custom parameters like cache size, locale selection, etc. that are relevant for a user's environment.
method provides a singleton instance of
RasterEngine object, which is the top-level object for all the Geo Raster APIs.
RasterEngine class provides access to three subsequent level objects namely RasterDataset, RasterOperation and RasterRenderer.
These objects provide access to APIs that can be classified into three categories- Dataset APIs (to view metadata information, analyze dataset and perform read/write operations on the raster), Operations APIs (to perform operations on the raster) and Rendering APIs (to display or render the raster).
Input/Output APIs
The Open and Create methods in RasterEngine returns instances of RasterDataset object for read and write mode respectively.
RasterDataset provides access to several APIs, which can be categorized into Metadata APIs (to view metadata information about the raster dataset), Analysis APIs (to analyze the raster dataset), and Read/Write APIs (to perform read or write operations on a raster dataset).
Read/Write APIs
- Raster Random Iterator
: This method returns RasterRandomIterator object which provides random access to Raster band data. - Raster Random Block Iterator
: This method returns RasterRandomBlockIterator object which provides random access to blocks in a raster dataset. - Raster Random Tile Iterator
: This method creates RasterRandomTileIterator object which provides random access to tiles in a raster dataset.
Operation APIs
Raster Operations method creates RasterOperations object which provides access to the following operations:
- Convert: This method converts an input raster into various formats. For example Tif to MRR, classified to imagepalette etc.
- Reproject: This method reprojects the raster into the specified Coordinate Reference System with additional options.
- Rasterize: This method converts a vector file of regions into a raster.
- Polygonise: This method converts an input raster into polygons for various filtering conditions and writes them into a TAB file.
- ClipRaster: This method clips raster into smaller clipped size.
- Calculate: This method calculates MIPro supported expressions on input rasters and generates an output raster. This includes functionalities like algebraic operation on rasters, index calculation NDVI, inflating raster for numeric to RGBA etc.