Viewing Data Profiling Results - discovery - 23.1

Spectrum Discovery Guide

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Spectrum > Discovery
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Spectrum Discovery
Spectrum Discovery Guide
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The Data Profiling Results page displays a comprehensive analysis of a profile, including the completeness and uniqueness of the contained data. The report is generated at the profile level as well as table and column level. At the column level the result displayed varies depending upon the profiling rules selected by you. For example, if you select Semantic Analysis rule on the Add Profile page, the Data Profiling Results will show the detected semantic types in the selected string columns.
Note: In all the charts, legends are hyper-linked and those lead you to individual records in the category.
You can download the results in the PDF or Excel format.
Note: If the Java Virtual Machine does not have the required fonts, the downloaded reports will be empty files and the error logs will indicate that the fonts are not available to the JVM. To install the missing font files (.ttf), follow the instructions here:

To access the Data Profiling Results perform these steps:

  1. In a web browser, navigate to: http://server:port/discovery

    Where server is the server name or IP address of your Spectrum Technology Platform server and port is the HTTP port. By default, the HTTP port is 8080

  2. Log in using your credentials
  3. On the Home page, click Profile & Monitor.
  4. Perform one of these actions:
    • On the Profiles tab, click the Name of the profile for which you want to view the analysis report.
      Note: The profile Name becomes hyper-linked only if the analysis has been run for it.
    • On the Profiles tab, click the PDF or Excel icon in the More column corresponding to the required profile.
    • On the History tab, click the ID of the profile for which you want to view the analysis report.
The Data Profiling Results page is displayed showing the results of profile analysis. This page is divided into 3 parts:
  • A header showing the profile details. These details are displayed for the analyzed profile:
    • Profile name: Name of the profile
    • Description: A brief description of the profile
    • Started: The date (yyyy/mm/dd), time (hh:mm:ss), and period (AM or PM) when the profile analysis was initialized.
    • Data Source: The source of the data in the profile being analyzed. It can be a physical or logical model or a direct data source connection.
    • User: The user who created the profile
    • Tables: Number of tables in the selected model
    • Data source type: Whether the data source for the profile is a model or a database
    • Records: Total number of records analyzed
    • Suggestions Button: Navigates you to the Suggestions page. For more information, see Viewing the Suggestions Page.
  • The left pane that displays the profile name and all the tables and column included in it

  • The report pane gives a pictorial view of the analyzed data

The report displayed in the right pane is based on what you select in the left pane (profile, table, or column). Details, such as Standard deviation (Stdev), Maximum (Max), Minimum (Min), and Average value are displayed at the column level for numerical data, while length frequency and text pattern frequency is displayed for string columns. Besides, based on the rules selected for profiling, additional tabs are displayed in the report, such as Semantic Type for columns having semantic type values if Semantic Analysis rule is selected. For more information, see Profiling Rules.

Additionally, you can collaborate on your profiling results using the comments feature available at the model, table, and column level. For more information, see Collaborating on Data Profiling Results.