Editing a scorecard - discovery - 23.1

Spectrum Discovery Guide

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Spectrum > Discovery
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Spectrum Discovery
Spectrum Discovery Guide
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To edit details of any of the score cards, perform these steps:
  1. Click the Scorecard tab on the Profile & Monitor page.
    The left pane below the icons displays a list of defined score cards. Clicking on any of the score cards displays its details on the right pane of the page.
  2. On the left pane, click the score card that you want to edit, and click the Edit Scorecard icon.
    The selected score card opens in the edit mode.
  3. To edit any of the KPI parameters, click the respective KPI link.
    The Edit Scorecard page is displayed that allows you to modify the rules and threshold values for the selected KPI. The Current Score is displayed if the scorecard has already been run at least once. The font color of the score matches colors of the Acceptable, Marginal, and Needs Attention as defined.
  4. To edit the rule configuration and preview the valid and invalid data for the expression built, click the Rule name link.
    The Edit Rule page is displayed.
    1. Make the required modifications.
    2. Click the Evaluate button to preview the valid and invalid data for the expression you built. The preview mentions the expression and lists down the Valid and Invalid values at the bottom of the page.
    3. Click the Valid tab to view the list of valid data and Invalid tab to view the list of invalid data.
    4. Use the type-ahead Filter to narrow down your search for the required record.
    5. To download the result in a CSV file, click the Download CSV icon on the page and save the file in your system at preferred location.
  5. Click the forward arrow to go the Configure Scorecard page.
    Note: To be able to send mail notifications the mail server needs to be configured. You can do that using this path: Management Console > System > Mail.
    1. Click the Send notification when score threshold changes check-box, and enter the mail ID of the users to whom you want to send notification for the changed category of the score. For example, if the score crosses the threshold set for the bad score and enters into the good category, a notification will be sent to each of the user IDs you specify.
    2. To add multiple users, click , and enter the ID in the adjacent text box.
  6. Save your modifications.