Viewing Analysis History - discovery - 23.1

Spectrum Discovery Guide

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Spectrum > Discovery
Product name
Spectrum Discovery
Spectrum Discovery Guide
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The History tab of the Profile & Monitor page displays a list of all the analysis run on various profiles along with details, such as the start and completion time of the analysis, whether it was completed successfully, the unique ID assigned by the system to the analysis, the number of tables and records analyzed in each case, and the data source of the profiles analyzed.
Note: It is recommended to keep deleting the obsolete profile runs from history.

To view the history of all the analysis run by the application, perform these steps:

  1. In a web browser, go to:


    Where server is the server name or IP address of your Spectrum Technology Platform server and port is the HTTP port. By default, the HTTP port is 8080.

  2. Log in with your credentials.
  3. On the Home page, click Profile & Monitor.
  4. Click the History tab.
    A list of all the analysis run on various profiles is displayed, along with these details:
    • ID: The unique identification assigned by the application to this profile analysis.
      Note: In case the same profile is analyzed multiple times, each run will have a unique ID.
    • Name: The name of the profile. Clicking on the profile name takes you to the Data Profiling Results page. For more information, see Data Source Details in Profiling Results.
    • Data Source: The source of the data in the profile being analyzed. It can be a physical or logical model or a direct data source connection.
    • User: The user who created the profile
    • Last Run Start Time: The date (in mm/dd/yy format) and time (in hh:mm and AM/PM format) when the most recent profile analysis started
    • Last Run End Time: The date (in mm/dd/yy format) and time (in hh:mm and AM/PM format) when the most recent profile analysis completed
    • Duration: The duration (in mm:ss) of the analysis
    • Status: If the analysis is in progress, complete, or failed
  5. To view profiling report, select the required profile, and click the View History icon.
    Note: Use the type-ahead Filter text box to search the profile faster. It helps you search on the basis of the Name, Data Source, and User field details.
    The Data Profiling Results page is displayed. For more information, see Data Source Details in Profiling Results.
  6. To refresh the page, click the Refresh History icon .
  7. To delete an analysis, select it and click the Delete History icon.