Useful Terms - discovery - 23.1

Spectrum Discovery Guide

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Spectrum Discovery
Spectrum Discovery Guide
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This table details out some of the terms associated with governance and collaboration in entity creation.
Terms Description
Work flow Defines:
  • The levels of approval needed
  • Roles for the various approval levels
  • Days in which each approver in a specified level should revert with suggestions or approval
Note: You can define a work flow in Management Console. See Create an approval flow for an entity in the Administration Guide for information about creating an approval flow.
Roles Roles are a component of the work flow. Every level in a work flow can have one or more roles attached to it. These are the two canned roles in the Roles page of Management Console:
  • Steward: They have CRUD rights on the entities. They create the entities, modify those and delete those, if needed.
  • Owner: The entity owners are reviewers and approvers of the entities. They have View and Execute rights on the entities. They can not create, modify, or delete the entities themselves. They suggest these actions to the steward. After review:
    • If the entity is not approved, it moves back to the data steward queue with suggestions.
    • If the entity is approved, it moves to the queue of the next defined role in the approval flow.
Note: You can configure roles in Management Console. See Creating a Role in Spectrum Management Console in the Administration Guide for information about creating roles.
Users Users are mapped to the roles.

Every role can have multiple users mapped to it.

Users take action on the entities based on the roles they are assigned to.

Only one of the multiple users mapped to a role needs to act on the entity, for it to move to the next level in the work flow.

Note: You define Users and map them to the roles in Management Console. See Adding a User through Spectrum Management Console in the Administration Guide for information about creating users and mapping roles to users.
Notifications These are of two types:
  • Mail notifications: These are sent out to the relevant stakeholders at each stage of the work flow. For more information, see Mail Notifications.
  • Tagged notifications: These are created for specific users and are displayed in the Notifications panel of their dashboard. The entire message is visible when the user clicks the entity name in the notification.
Comments Description that a user needs to enter while moving the entity from one stage to another. These help in collaboration.

The comments are not deleted even in case of version overrides. It is stored as historical data.

Entity versions The version of an entity changes only when the new version completes the entire work flow.

The older version is archived along with the comments. You can view it in the History tab of the Glossary Entity Details page.

Business Glossary Dashboard It is customized for every user based on the role the user is mapped to.

It gives details of the entities in queue of the user.