Define Glossary Home Page - discovery - 23.1

Spectrum Discovery Guide

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Spectrum > Discovery
Product name
Spectrum Discovery
Spectrum Discovery Guide
First publish date
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To access the Define Glossary page click the Define Glossary option on the Spectrum Discovery main menu. The page displays these tabs:
  • Dashboard
  • Glossary Entity
  • Semantic Type

The Dashboard

Dashboard gives an overview of entities created in Spectrum Discovery. The dashboard view is customized based on the role of the user. It shows you the tasks and notifications meant for you. However, the entity doughnut at the bottom of the page gives the overall glimpse of entities in the system.
Note: The dashboard is not visible to business users. It is only visible to users with Steward or Owner roles.
The dashboard can be divided into three sections:
  • My Tasks: Lists all the pending tasks along with the name of their owner, last modified date and time, and their status. You can use the Filter to narrow down your search for entities.
    Note: The entities displayed in the My Tasks list varies for different roles. For example,
    • The data steward sees the entities saved in draft stage and those sent back for update by reviewers.
    • The entity owner sees the list of entities pending for approval
    • The business user sees the entities that have been published after all defined levels of approvals.
  • Doughnut of the business glossary entities: Shows the total number of entities as well as the number of entities in each of the stages.
  • Notifications: Displays the notifications tagged for you. To go to the relevant entity page and see the complete message, click the entity name in the notification.

Glossary Entity

Use this tab to add, modify, and delete entities.

Semantic Type

Use this tab to add, modify, and delete semantic types