Connecting to a Model Store - data_integration_1 - discovery - spectrum_platform - 23.1

Spectrum Discovery Guide

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Spectrum > Discovery
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Spectrum Discovery
Spectrum Discovery Guide
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Connect to a model store to use the data federated from various sources such as databases, file servers, and cloud services. Once a connection is defined, you can use the data in the logical and physical models of a model store (created and deployed in Spectrum Discovery) in the Read from DB and Write to DB stages of Spectrum Enterprise Designer.

  1. Access the Connections page using one of these:
    Spectrum Management Console:
    Access Spectrum Management Console using the URL: http://server:port/management console, where server is the server name or IP address of your Spectrum Technology Platform server and port is the HTTP port used by Spectrum Technology Platform.
    Note: By default, the HTTP port is 8080.
    Click Resources > Connections.
    Spectrum Discovery:
    Access Spectrum Discovery using the URL: http://server:port/discovery, where server is the server name or IP address of your Spectrum Technology Platform server and port is the HTTP port used by Spectrum Technology Platform.
    Note: By default, the HTTP port is 8080.
    Click Connect.
  2. Click the Add connection button .
  3. In the Connection Name box, enter a name for the connection. The name can be anything you choose.
    Note: Once you save a connection you cannot change the name.
  4. In the Connection Type field, choose Model Store.
  5. In the Model store field, enter the name of the model store that you are establishing connection with.

    To find the names of the available model stores, access Spectrum Discovery, go to Model, and click the Model Store tab.

  6. To test the connection, click Test.
  7. Click Save.
    Note: Using the Write to DB stage over a Model Store connection has certain limitations, such as Create Table, Truncate table before inserting data, and Drop and recreate the table if it already exists not being supported.