Install Loqate Database in SPD format - addressing - Latest

Spectrum Technology Platform Universal Addressing Loqate Database Release Notes

Product type
Product family
Spectrum > Quality > Addressing
Product name
Universal Addressing Loqate Database
Spectrum Technology Platform Universal Addressing Loqate Database Release Notes
First publish date
Last updated
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To download and install a Loqate Database resource in the Spectrum Product Database (SPD) format, follow these steps.

  1. Make sure no applications are running.
  2. Select and download your licensed SPD files (xxx.spd) from Precisely using the link provided in the release announcement or welcome email. The database SPD files are:
    • LQ0—Contains a separate lib file for the Windows installation of data in the .spd file format.

      Irrespective of which Windows and non-Windows platform you are using, there will be a different lq0 file (lib file) for these platforms:

      • Win-LQ0_win
      • Linux- LQ0_Linux
    • LQ0/DB_Setup—Contains general database setup files.
      Note: Regardless of which set of data you use, the files in LQ0 must be installed.
    • LQ1/APAC_AFR_ME—Contains the data for Asia-Pacific, Africa, and Middle East.
    • LQ2/Americas—Contains the data for the Caribbean, Central America, and South America.
    • LQ3/Europe—Contains the data for Eastern and parts of Western Europe.
  3. The database is downloaded as a .spd file.
  4. Install the SPD file:
    1. Place the SPD files in <SpectrumLocation>/server/import. This is the default location for SPD files. The Spectrum Technology Platform server monitors this folder and looks for new files in two-second intervals.
      You can change the location of the data import directory by using the CLI commands.
    2. When the server detects new SPD files, the server automatically extracts the SPD files to <SpectrumLocation>/server/ref-data.
      You can change the location of the data storage folder by using the CLI commands.
    3. By default, the SPD files will be archived in <SpectrumLocation>/server/archive/ref-data.
    4. At this point the data will become available and you can add it as a Spectrum database resource in the Spectrum Databases section of Management Console.