The Delete from Model stage deletes entities and relationships from a Context Graph model.
A dataflow that uses a Delete from Model stage requires an input stage that contains data from or queries the same model whose elements you are deleting. It also has two optional output ports: one contains data for the deleted entities and relationships and the other contains data for the records that were not deleted.
To configure a Delete from Model stage, you need to select the model you want to modify and then complete the Delete from Model Options settings.
For example,
you could have a model called "Fraud" that contains potential fraud data for
multiple insurance companies, and you could want to remove the data for one of those
companies (Geico). Your dataflow could contain a Read from Model stage that queries
the Fraud model, conducting an exact search type on the property
, looking for a literal value of "Geico". You could
name the output of this step "Geico". You would then add an Entity to Relationship
operation that returns all relationships that are connected to the Geico entities,
since removing those entities would thus dissolve the relationships. The Read from
Model stage would feed into a Delete from Model stage that accesses the Fraud model
and deletes entities with an ID of Geico._stp_id
. Alternatively, if
you were capturing the deleted data into an output file, you could choose to
separate the label and type information and delete entities with an ID of
and a type of