CASS O Certified - 23.1

Spectrum Release Notes

Product type
Product family
Spectrum > Spectrum Platform
Spectrum > Spatial > Spectrum Spatial
Spectrum > Quality > Context Graph
Spectrum > Web Services
Spectrum > Discovery
Spectrum > Quality > Addressing
Spectrum > Geo Addressing > Enterprise Tax
Spectrum > Geo Addressing > Global Geocoding
Spectrum > Data Integration
Spectrum > GeoEnrichment
Spectrum > Quality > Spectrum Quality
Spectrum > Dataflow Designer
Product name
Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Release Notes
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Last updated
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The Global Addressing Module's Global Address Validation product (for the USA engine) is now CASS version O (CASS O) certified from the USPS for both the Windows and Linux platforms.

Below fields have been added as part of CASS O:
Table 1. Additional Processing Options
Option Description Format
Both SuiteLink and input designator as provided Option to return the unit designator as on input String
Both SuiteLink and input designator as #

Option to not return the unit designator as on input but change it to #

Non-Delivery Days(NDD) Specifies if to return DPV NDD values. String
DROP Specifies if to return DVP drop flag String
Note: When CASS is enabled, Convert_secondary_to_PMB is required to be turned on.
Table 2. Output Fields
Option Description Output Format

Defines the location for NoStat Reason Code. NoStat reason code helps mailers identify when they are sending mail to non-delivery addresses.

1 – IDA (Internal Drop Address) – Addresses that do not receive mail directly from the USPS but are delivered to a drop address that services them.

2 – CDS NoStat – Addresses that have not yet become deliverable. For example, a new subdivision where lots and primary numbers have been determined, but no structure exists yet for occupancy.

3 – Collision – Addresses that do not actually DPV confirm. In this case, the ‘Y’ should be set to ‘N’ on the DPV ‘A’ table and all other table values should be blank.

4 – CMZ (College, Military and Other Types) – ZIP + 4 records USPS has incorporated into the data.

5 – Regular NoStat – Indicates addresses not receiving delivery and the addresses are not counted as possible deliveries.

6 – Secondary Required – The address requires secondary information.


Flag indicates mail delivery is not performed every day of the week

Y — Address was found in the table

N — Address was not found in the table

Blank — Address was not presented to the table
USA.DPV.NDD A Y or N table of which days of the week are not deliverable. String

Drop Code Flag One-character code that indicates whether this address was found in the Drop Table. One of the following codes is stored:

Blank — Address was not presented to the table.

Y — The address was found in the table.

N — The address was not found in the table


Enhanced DPV return codes accommodate the request for additional address information

Y — Address was DPV® confirmed for both primary and (if present) secondary numbers.

D — Address was DPV® confirmed for the primary number only, and the secondary number information was missing.

S — Address was DPV® confirmed for the primary number only, and the secondary number information was present but not confirmed.

N — Address failed to DPV® confirm, primary number missing or not confirmed.

Blank — Address not presented to the hash table.

R — Address confirmed but USPS delivery not provided.

USA.OriginalDPBC Original DPBC (before TotalDPS calculation). The delivery point barcode (DPBC) enables the Postal Service to sort mail into delivery point (address) sequence by integrating delivery point information. String
Table 3. Result Codes
Field name Output Output format


The result codes for the second apartment designator (for example, STE or APT2).

- The input field was empty and supposed to be empty.

A — Appended. The field was added to a blank input field.

C — Corrected.

D — Dropped. The field provided on input was removed.

M — Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database. Each matching record has a different value in this field.

S — Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations.

V — Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input.



The result codes for the second apartment Number (for example, STE or APT2).

- The input field was empty and supposed to be empty.

A — Appended. The field was added to a blank input field.

C — Corrected.

D — Dropped. The field provided on input was removed.

M — Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database. Each matching record has a different value in this field.

S — Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations.

V — Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input.



The result codes for the PMB (Private Mail Box)designator (for example, STE or APT2).

- The input field was empty and supposed to be empty.

A — Appended. The field was added to a blank input field.

C — Corrected.

D — Dropped. The field provided on input was removed.

M — Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database. Each matching record has a different value in this field.

S — Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations.

V — Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input.



The result codes for the PMB (Private Mail Box) Number (for example, STE or APT2).

- The input field was empty and supposed to be empty.

A — Appended. The field was added to a blank input field.

C — Corrected.

D — Dropped. The field provided on input was removed.

M — Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database. Each matching record has a different value in this field.

S — Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations.

V — Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input.

Table 4. Parsed input
Field name Description Output format
ParsedApartment2Label.Input The second unit designator passed on input. String


The second unit Number passed on input. String


The PMB designator passed in the input String
ParsedPMBNumber.Input The PMB Number passed in the input String
ParsedStreetName.Input The StreetName passed in the input String
ParsedStreetPreDirectional.Input The Pre-Directional of the input address String


The Post-Directional of the input address String