These options govern the operation of the routing engine. When they are set as part of an option in a UDF query, they will take precedence over the Hive variables as well as the system properties.
Hive Variable/System Property | Type | Description |
String | Location of dbList.json containing the routing configuration. |
Number | The amount of time in milliseconds that will trigger a timeout in the routing engine. |
Number | The amount of time in milliseconds that will trigger a timeout when calculating a route (also used in the Global Routing SDK). |
Number | The amount of time in milliseconds that will trigger a timeout when calculating an isochrone or isodistance (also used in the Global Routing SDK). |
Boolean | Fall back to use only the major roads in the network if a minor road cannot be found (also used in the Global Routing SDK). |
Note: Use only if reference data was distributed remotely via HDFS or S3.
String | Location of the directory where reference data will be downloaded to. This path must exist on every data node and the HiveServer2 node. |
Note: Use only if reference data was distributed remotely via HDFS or S3.
String |
This is an optional property and only specific to POSIX-compliant platforms like Linux. It specifies the operating system group which should be applied to the downloaded data on a local file system, so that each Hadoop service can update the data when required. This group should be present on all nodes in the cluster and the operating system user executing the Hadoop service should be a part of this group. For more information, see Download Permissions |