For the purposes of this guide, we will:
- use a user called sdkuser
- install everything into /precisely
- use installed routing datasets
Perform the following steps from a node in your cluster, such as the master
Create the install directory and give ownership to sdkuser.
sudo mkdir /precisely
sudo chown sdkuser:sdkuser /precisely
Add the routing distribution zip to the node at a temporary location, for
Extract the routing distribution.
mkdir /precisely/routing
mkdir /precisely/routing/software
unzip /precisely/temp/ -d /precisely/routing/software
Create an install directory on HDFS and give ownership to sdkuser.
sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -mkdir -p hdfs:///precisely/routing
sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -chown -R sdkuser:sdkuser hdfs:///precisely
Upload the distribution into HDFS.
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /precisely/routing/software hdfs:///precisely/routing
You will now need to distribute the reference data. A remote method via HDFS or S3 is
recommended (see Distributing Reference Data Using HDFS or
Distributing Reference Data Using S3). If you wish to manually distribute the reference, see Installing Reference Data Manually on Local File System.