AssignGeoTAXInfoPlus - Spectrum_OnDemand - Latest

Spectrum OnDemand Web Services (REST)

Product type
Product family
Spectrum > Spectrum Platform
Spectrum > Spatial > Spectrum Spatial
Spectrum > Spatial > Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Spectrum > Quality > Context Graph
Spectrum > Web Services
Spectrum > Discovery
Spectrum OnDemand
Spectrum > Quality > Addressing
Spectrum > Geo Addressing > Enterprise Tax
Spectrum > Spatial > Spectrum Spatial Insights
Spectrum > Quality > Spectrum Quality
Spectrum > Dataflow Designer
Product name
Spectrum OnDemand
Spectrum OnDemand Web Services (REST)
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AssignGeoTAXInfoPlus identifies the tax districts that apply to a given address. Specifically, AssignGeoTAXInfoPlus returns the following information about an address:

  • Latitude/longitude coordinates
  • FIPS state codes and county codes
  • County names
  • MCD/CCD codes and names
  • CBSA/CSA codes and names
  • Place FIPS and GNIS codes and names
  • Incorporated or unincorporated status codes
  • Cross-reference tax keys
  • Result indicators
  • Optionally, the relationship of an address to user-defined polygons

AssignGeoTAXInfoPlus optionally includes enhanced tax jurisdiction information for an address, including:

  • Insurance premium districts—Areas designated for the collection of taxes imposed on insurance policy premiums based on the policy holder's address. Insurance premium districts are created by state governments.
  • Payroll tax districts—Areas designated for the collection of taxes imposed on employers to support state or local government facilities and services based on the employee's and/or employer's address. Examples include taxes collected for districts to pay for schools, police, or other services. Payroll tax districts are created by state or local governments.
  • Payroll system tax codes—Codes that represent specific jurisdictions that collect payroll tax. Using payroll system tax codes has advantages over using the payroll tax district information returned by Assign GeoTAX Info:
    • AssignGeoTAXInfoPlus uses an additional database to determine payroll tax codes, resulting in more accurate payroll tax determination.
    • Many payroll systems use specific codes to determine withholding amounts. Since you can customize the payroll tax codes returned by AssignGeoTAXInfoPlus, you can set up a process where AssignGeoTAXInfoPlus returns the exact payroll tax codes required by your payroll system instead of returning jurisdictional IDs that must then be translated into the codes used by your system.
  • Special purpose tax districts—Areas designated for the collection of taxes imposed on residents to support specialized services for residents of the district based on the resident's address. Examples include services such as sewer service, transit service, or water resources. Special purpose tax districts are created by legislative action, court action, or public referendums. This optional information requires the use of boundary files which require an additional license. Contact your sales representative for more information.
  • Sales and Use Tax Rates—Using the optional Sales and Use Tax Rate file, AssignGeoTAXInfoPlus can return sales and use tax rates for each of the assigned tax jurisdictions as well as the total tax rate for the assigned locations.

AssignGeoTAXInfo is part of Spectrum Enterprise Tax.

Resource URL

JSON endpoint:


XML endpoint:


For a list of Spectrum OnDemand servers, see Connecting to Spectrum OnDemand Servers.

Example with JSON Response

This example requests a JSON response: S Ellis    

The JSON returned by this request would be:

    "Output": [
            "AddressLine1": "5801 S Ellis Ave",
            "AddressLine2": "",
            "Census.MatchCode": "S",
            "Census.MatchLevel": "Street",
            "City": "Chicago",
            "Confidence": "100.0",
            "Country": "United States Of America",
            "CountryLevel": "A",
            "County.Code": "031",
            "County.Name": "Cook",
            "GNISCode": "000428803",
            "MatchScore": "0",
            "Place.ClassCode": "C5",
            "Place.Code": "14000",
            "Place.IncorporatedFlag": "Inc",
            "Place.LastAnnexedDate": "01/2020",
            "Place.LastUpdatedDate": "11/2021",
            "Place.LastVerifiedDate": "08/2021",
            "Place.Name": "Chicago",
            "PostalCode": "606375418",
            "PostalCode.AddOn": "5418",
            "PostalCode.Base": "60637",
            "ProcessedBy": "GTX",
            "RecordType": "HighRise",
            "RecordType.Default": "Y",
            "State.Abbreviation": "IL",
            "StateCode": "17",
            "StateProvince": "IL",
            "user_fields": []

Example with XML Response

This example requests an XML response: S Ellis Ave&Data.City=Chicago&Data.StateProvince=IL

The XML returned by this request would be:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<xml.AssignGeoTAXInfoPlusResponse xmlns="">
            <AddressLine1>5801 S Ellis Ave</AddressLine1>
            <Country>United States Of America</Country>