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Spectrum OnDemand Web Services (REST)

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Spectrum > Discovery
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Spectrum > Dataflow Designer
Spectrum > Geo Addressing > Enterprise Tax
Spectrum > Spatial > Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Spectrum OnDemand
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Spectrum OnDemand
Spectrum OnDemand Web Services (REST)
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Field Name Description Type
ADD_NUMBER House number string
ADDRESS Formatted first line of the property's physical address string
ADJGROSSSQFT Square footage used by the local assessing authority to determine improvement value. This figure is typically 100 percent of the living area, plus a lower percentage of the non-living area integer
ALT_OLD_APN_IND Indicates whether the value in OLD_APN is an old or alternate APN. Subdivision/Split – When an APN was one parcel number last year, and this year, it has been split into multiple parcels in the new edition file; the parcels in the new edition should have field Alt/Old APN populated with the one parcel number from last year’s file and move “S” to Alt/Old APN Indicator field string
AMENITIES Identifies the extra selling features that add to the value of property, such as a tennis court or golf course. This field can contain up to five codes string
APPRAISED_VAL Total appraised value of land and improvements, as provided by the county or local tax/assessment authority long
APPRAISED_VAL_IMP The appraised improvement values as provided by the county or local tax/assessment authority long
APPRAISED_VAL_LAND The appraised land values as provided by the county or local tax/assessment authority long
ASSED_IMPVAL The assessed improvement values as provided by the county or local tax/assessment authority long
ASSED_LANDVAL The assessed land values as provided by the county or local tax/assessment authority long
ASSED_VAL The total assessed value of the property's land and improvement values as provided by the county or local tax/assessment authority long
ASSESS_YR Year for which values in Assessed Value fields (below) are calculated. If a fiscal year (e.g. 2020-2021), only the starting year of the range is listed. string
BATH_CT Number of bathrooms, including partial baths double
BATHFIX_CT Total number of bathroom fixtures - sinks, toilets, bathtubs, and shower heads integer
BATHPAR_CT If the assessing agency provides separate fields for full and partial baths, the number of full baths will be listed in the BATH_CT field and the number of partial baths in this field. integer
BEDRM_CT Total number of bedrooms (with closets) in the primary building integer
BLDG_AREA1 Area of building features (for example, garage, porch, basement) integer
BLDG_AREA2 Area of building features (for example, garage, porch, basement) integer
BLDG_AREA3 Area of building features (for example, garage, porch, basement) integer
BLDG_AREA4 Area of building features (for example, garage, porch, basement) integer
BLDG_AREA5 Area of building features (for example, garage, porch, basement) integer
BLDG_AREA6 Area of building features (for example, garage, porch, basement) integer
BLDG_AREA7 Area of building features (for example, garage, porch, basement) integer
BLDG_AREAIND1 Two-character code describing feature area. Single character can be combined with F for finished or U for unfinished string
BLDG_AREAIND2 Two-character code describing feature area. Single character can be combined with F for finished or U for unfinished string
BLDG_AREAIND3 Two-character code describing feature area. Single character can be combined with F for finished or U for unfinished string
BLDG_AREAIND4 Two-character code describing feature area. Single character can be combined with F for finished or U for unfinished string
BLDG_AREAIND5 Two-character code describing feature area. Single character can be combined with F for finished or U for unfinished string
BLDG_AREAIND6 Two-character code describing feature area. Single character can be combined with F for finished or U for unfinished string
BLDG_AREAIND7 Two-character code describing feature area. Single character can be combined with F for finished or U for unfinished string
BLDG_CLASS Fire insurance building classification code used for commercial/industrial buildings string
BLDG_CNSTR Code indicating the primary construction method. string
BLDG_COND Code indicating the physical condition of the building string
BLDG_COUNT Total number of buildings or structures on a single parcel, as reported in assessment roll integer
BLDG_EFFYRBLD The first year in which the building was assessed with its current components. If, for example, a building was constructed in 1960 and added to in 1974, BLDG_YRBLD would be 1960 and BLDG_EFFYRBLD would be 1974 string
BLDG_EXTNW Code indicating the type or finish of exterior walls string
BLDG_FND Code indicating the type of foundation string
BLDG_IMPCD Primary improvement type code string
BLDG_MOBHOME Indicates whether the property is a mobile home string
BLDG_NAME Building or complex name string
BLDG_OTHER1 Code describing the buildings not attached to the main building or house, and other improvements string
BLDG_OTHER1_AREA Area or measurement of buildings/improvements string
BLDG_OTHER2 Code describing the buildings not attached to the main building or house, and other improvements string
BLDG_OTHER2_AREA Area or measurement of buildings/improvements string
BLDG_OTHER3 Code describing the buildings not attached to the main building or house, and other improvements string
BLDG_OTHER3_AREA Area or measurement of buildings/improvements string
BLDG_OTHER4 Code describing the buildings not attached to the main building or house, and other improvements string
BLDG_OTHER4_AREA Area or measurement of buildings/improvements string
BLDG_OTHER5 Code describing the buildings not attached to the main building or house, and other improvements string
BLDG_OTHER5_AREA Area or measurement of buildings/improvements string
BLDG_QLTY Building quality code string
BLDG_SQFT Area of the primary structure on the property. When multiple building areas for a structure are provided, the preferred value of this field is living area for residential structures and total area for all other structures integer
BLDG_SQFT_CODE Code indicating the source used to populate the BLDG_SQFT field. string
BLDG_STORIES Actual number of stories in structure or code indicating number of stories string
BLDG_STYLE Building style string
BLDG_TYPE Primary building type code string
BLDG_UNITNBR Number of units reported in the assessment roll. Primarily used for apartment buildings string
BLDG_VIEW Code indicating view from building string
BLDG_YRBLD Year the primary structure on the property was built string
BSMT_TYPE Code indicating the type of basement string
BSMTSQFT Total square footage of basement, including finished and unfinished areas integer
CA_EXEMPT Indicates if a California homeowner's exemption applies to the property string
CITY City name string
COOL_TYPE Code indicating the type of air conditioning used in the building. string
DOC_TYPE Code describing the type of document listed in tax/assessment records as being used to transfer the property during the most recent sale (if available) string
ELEVATOR Indicates presence or number of elevators string
ENERGY_TYPE Code indicating the type of electrical service in building. string
EXT_FEAT1 Code identifying an exterior feature that potentially adds value to the property string
EXT_FEAT1_AREA Area of extra feature expressed in square feet and/or actual dimensions. string
EXT_FEAT2 Code identifying an exterior feature that potentially adds value to the property string
EXT_FEAT2_AREA Area of extra feature expressed in square feet and/or actual dimensions. string
EXT_FEAT3 Code identifying an exterior feature that potentially adds value to the property string
EXT_FEAT3_AREA Area of extra feature expressed in square feet and/or actual dimensions. string
EXT_FEAT4 Code identifying an exterior feature that potentially adds value to the property string
EXT_FEAT4_AREA Area of extra feature expressed in square feet and/or actual dimensions string
FIPS Combination of state FIPS code (first two digits) and county FIPS code (last three digits) string
FLOOR_TYPE Code indicating the type of floor construction string
FNAME Property owner's first name string
FNAME2 First name of the second owner of the property string
FUEL_TYPE Code indicating the type of heating fuel used. string
GEOID Geography ID: 15-digit ID from TIGER, Block (state FIPS, county FIPS, census, tract, block group, and block) string
GROSSSQFT Square footage for the entire building integer
HEAT_TYPE Code indicating the type of heating system string
INT_WALL Code indicating the composition of Interior walls. string
LAT latitude (six DECIMAL value) double
LEGAL_ASSDESC Narrative property description exactly as it appears in source file string
LEGAL_BLK The block of the subdivision or city in which the property is located string
LEGAL_BRIEFDESC Compilation of all legal description components string
LEGAL_DIS District in which the property is located string
LEGAL_LNDLOT Tract or portion of land in which the property is located. May encompass multiple individual lots or blocks string
LEGAL_LOT Identifies properties that include more than one lot or partial lots string
LEGAL_LOTNUM Lot numbers of the individual lot(s) comprising the property or the actual lot number(s) of a tract or subdivision string
LEGAL_MAPREF Map number assigned by assessing agency string
LEGAL_PHASE Phase number of a subdivision or tract development string
LEGAL_SEC Section of the city in which the property is located string
LEGAL_SECTWPRANMER Value format: SEC ## TWN ##D RNGD, where D is a directional (N/S for TWN and E/W for RNG) string
LEGAL_SUB The name of the subdivision, plat, or tract in which the property is located string
LEGAL_TCTNUM The number of the tract in which the property is located string
LEGAL_TWPMUNI Jurisdiction in which the property is located. Value may be Unincorporated if applicable. Provides a description of the code found in the LEGAL_DIS field string
LEGAL_UNIT Subdivision unit number, common for condominiums, town homes, etc. string
LIVINGSQFT Area of a building that is used for general habitation. This is typically the area of a building that is heated or air conditioned and does not include garage, porch or basement square footage integer
LNAME Property owner's last name. May contain suffixes (Jr., Sr., I, II, etc.) string
LNAME2 Last name of the second owner of the property. May contain suffixes (Jr., Sr., I, II, etc.) string
LOC_CODE Location match code from Precisely Spectrum Geocoding string
LON longitude (six DECIMAL value) double
MNAME Property owner's middle name string
MNAME2 Middle name of the second owner of the property string
MRKETVAL_YR The year the Market Values Fields were established. string
MRKTVAL_IMP Market improvement values as provided by the county or local tax/assessment authority long
MRKTVAL_LAND Market land values as provided by the county or local tax/assessment authority long
MRKTVAL_TOTAL Total market value of the property's land and the improvement values as provided by the county or local tax/assessment authority long
OLD_APN APN used previously to identify the property, or an alternate APN, if available. string
OWNER_NAME Property Owner full Name string
OWNER_NAME2 Property Owner2 full Name or DBA name string
OWNID Property Owner ID string
OWNID2 Property 2nd Owner ID string
OWNTYPE Indicates whether the property is owned by an individual or individuals, a business or corporation, or a government entity string
OWNVEST_CD Code indicating ownership terms. Identifies how the assessee took title (vesting) or describes the type of entity (by ID) based on conversion. Present when available string
PAID Unique and persistent ID for a tax record. This ID serves as the unique record ID for the Property Attributes Assessment string
ParcelID.Input ParcelID input by the user in request string
PARENT For secondary (child) address records (e.g. units, apartments, or suites), the Precisely ID of the parent address. Only present when applicable string
PBKEY Unique ID for an addressable location string
PLINKID Link ID between Precisely Parcel Boundaries and Property Attributes Assessment data sets string
PLUMBFIX_CT Number of plumbing features in the primary building or improvement as reported by the assessing agency string
PLUS4 Zip+4 string
POOL Indicates if pool is present string
POOL_TYPE Code indicating the type of pool construction and amenities. string
POSTDIR Street directional extension (N, S, E, W, etc.) string
PreciselyID Unique ID for the addressable location , known as PreciselyID string
PreciselyID.Input PreciselyID input by the user in the request string
PREDIR Street directional prefix (N, S, E, W, etc.) string
PRIOR_SALE_AMT If available, sale price of the previous transfer as listed in the assessment records long
PRIOR_SALE_BK_NUM If available, the book or folio number assigned to the previous sale by the assessing jurisdiction. Used for identification purposes and to establish the order in which the sale was recorded string
PRIOR_SALE_CD Price code for the previous sale price string
PRIOR_SALE_DOC_NUM Sequential number assigned to the property transfer documents at the time of previous transfer. string
PRIOR_SALE_DOC_TYPE Sale price code for the previous transfer string
PRIOR_SALE_PG_NUM If available, the page number assigned to the previous sale by the assessing jurisdiction. Used for identification purposes and to establish the order in which the sale was recorded string
PRIOR_SALE_REC_DATE If available, date of sale (YYYYMMDD format) to the previous owner, as recorded in assessment records string
PRKG_SPACES Total number of parking spaces or car capacity of the garage or parking area integer
PRKG_SQFT Total square footage of primary garage or parking area, including both finished and unfinished areas. integer
PROP_ABS_OWN_CD Absentee owner indicator code string
PROP_ACRES Total land area in acres double
PROP_APN Formatted assessor's parcel number (APN) or parcel identification number - an identifier assigned by the assessing agency to simplify the identification of parcels. APN formatting and composition vary by agency, but the APN is usually composed of map-book, page, and parcel numbers string
PROP_APNSEQNBR Sequence number assigned to ensure the uniqueness of each APN. Parcels with the same APN can have different owners, addresses, or land use. string
PROP_CAT Property type classification derived from standardized land use code string
PROP_DEPTHFT Length between the front and back of the property, in feet. Populated when provided by the jurisdiction double
PROP_FRONTFT Frontage - length of the street-facing portion of the property, in feet. Populated when provided by the jurisdiction double
PROP_FRPL Actual number of fireplaces. Value of Y indicates only that a fireplace or fireplaces is/are present string
PROP_FRPLTYPE Code indicating the type of fireplace(s) in the building. string
PROP_GAR Code indicating the type of garage or carport string
PROP_INFL Code(s) identifying features or location characteristics that might influence the value or desirability of a parcel (for example, waterfront location, traffic patterns, etc.) string
PROP_LASTUPDATE Date on which the property information was last updated string
PROP_LU_CODE This field contains the land use code used by the county for land use classification. These codes are usually numeric, but sometimes they are alphanumeric string
PROP_LU_DESC Land use description taken directly from the source file, edited to include user-friendly terminology without the loss of any regional or local references string
PROP_SQFT Total land area in square feet double
PROP_ST_LANDUSE Standardized land use code string
PROP_ZONING County or local zoning code string
PropertyAttributeID.Input PropertyAttributeID input by the user in the request string
PropertyGeometryWKT Point Geometry string
REC_BK_NUM If available, the book or folio number assigned to the most recent sale by the assessing jurisdiction. Used for identification purposes and to establish the order in which the sale was recorded string
REC_DATE Date (YYYYMMDD format) of the most recent sale as listed in the assessment records, if available, otherwise the date on which the property was sold to the current owner string
REC_DOC_NUM Sequential number assigned to the property transfer documents at the time of sale. string
REC_PG_NUM If available, the page number assigned to the most recent sale by the assessing jurisdiction. Used for identification purposes and to establish the order in which the sale was recorded string
REPLACE_CALC Replacement cost as calculated for insurance purposes long
ROOF_COVER Code indicating the type of roof covering used on the primary improvement on the property string
ROOF_FRAME Code indicating the type of roof framing used in structure string
ROOF_SHAPE Code indicating the architectural style of roof string
ROOM_CT Total number of rooms in the primary building integer
ROOM_OTHER Code(s) describing the rooms in the house or main building, if provided by assessing jurisdiction string
SALE_AMT Most recent sale price of the parcel (if available), expressed in whole dollars. Availability varies by jurisdiction long
SALE_CD Sales price code string
SEWER_TYPE Type of waste disposal/sewage system string
STATE State abbreviation string
Status F if failure occurred, otherwise blank string
Status.Code Reason for failure string
Status.Description Description of the problem, if there is one string
STREETNAME Street name string
STRTYPE Street suffix (ST, AVE, PL, BLVD, etc.) string
TAPE_CUT_DATE Date (YYYYMMDD format) on which the assessment file was generated or on which it was received by the vendor string
TAX_ACCT_NUM Arbitrary parcel identifier, assigned by the assessing agency for tax purposes. Present when provided in the assessment file string
TAX_ADD_NUMBER House number string
TAX_ADDR Formatted first line of the address to which the tax bill is sent string
TAX_AMT The amount of property tax for which the taxpayer was billed for the tax year, expressed in dollars and cents. double
TAX_CITY City name string
TAX_DEL_YR Year in which any unpaid property taxes became delinquent string
TAX_EXEMPT_CODE Property tax exemption code(s) string
TAX_PLUS4 Zip+4 extension string
TAX_POSTDIR Street directional extension (N, S, E, W, etc.) string
TAX_PREDIR Street directional prefix (N, S, E, W, etc.) string
TAX_STATE State abbreviation string
TAX_STREETNAME Street name. May also be a post office (PO) box number, rural route (RR) number, or highway contract (HC) box number. string
TAX_STRTYPE Street suffix (ST, AVE, PL, BLVD, etc.) string
TAX_UNIT_DES Unit designator (apt, unit, etc.) string
TAX_UNIT_NUM Unit number string
TAX_YR Year in which the amount in TAX_AMT field was levied string
TAXRATE_CODE Represents separate tax jurisdictions within the county as provided on the county tax/assessment roll string
UNIT_DES Unit designator (apt, unit, etc.) string
UNIT_NUM Unit number string
VACANT Indicates whether the physical address has been determined to be vacant by the USPS string
WATER_TYPE Water system type string
ZIPCODE Zip Code string