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Spectrum OnDemand Web Services (REST)

Product type
Product family
Spectrum > Web Services
Spectrum > Discovery
Spectrum > Geo Addressing > Enterprise Tax
Spectrum > Spectrum Platform
Spectrum > Quality > Spectrum Quality
Spectrum > Spatial > Spectrum Spatial
Spectrum > Dataflow Designer
Spectrum > Spatial > Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Spectrum > Spatial > Spectrum Spatial Insights
Spectrum > Quality > Addressing
Spectrum OnDemand
Spectrum > Quality > Context Graph
Product name
Spectrum OnDemand
Spectrum OnDemand Web Services (REST)
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Field Name Description Type
AddNumber Parsed house number string
AddressLastLine Address in a uniformly standard format including AREANAME3 and POSTCODE string
AgentCode Code value identifying whether the business imports goods or services for re-manufacture or sale, exports products or services to a foreign country, and/or is an agent for goods string
ALTIndustryCode The Alternative Industry code will contain an alternative classification system to SIC where available. In the USA this will represent a six digit NAICS code. It is only available in certain countries string
Areaname1 State or equivalent . Each country has it's own Administrative structure string
Areaname2 District name or equivalent. Each country has it's own Administrative structure string
Areaname3 Name of the city where the business is physically located string
Areaname4 Locality information via Precisely Spectrum Technology Platform string
BrandName Precisely standardized brand name used by the business. BRANDNAME is only populated for certain countries and brands string
BuildingID Unique building identifier string
BuildingID.Input BuildingID input by the user in the request string
BusinessLine Description of the operations or activities of the business, which relates to the primary four-digit 1987 US SIC string
CEOName Full name of the chief executive officer or individual who has the highest-ranking authority at a specific location string
CEOTitle Title of the chief executive officer or individual with the highest-ranking authority at a specific location. string
CountryAccessCode International dialing code required to connect to the telephone or facsimile number when dialing internationally string
CurrencyCode Code value describing the type of currency in which the sales volume (local currency) is expressed string
DomesticUltimateAreaname1 State/province in which the domestic ultimate is located string
DomesticUltimateAreaname3 Name of the city where the domestic ultimate is located string
DomesticUltimateBusineesName The primary name of the domestic ultimate business string
DomesticUltimatePOIID Unique ID for the domestic ultimate business string
DomesticUltimatePostcode Postal code for the city in which the domestic ultimate is located string
DomesticUltimateStreetAddress Physical street address of the domestic ultimate company string
Email Email address of the business string
EmployeeCount Estimated total number of employees in the business organization; it should include subsidiary and branch locations integer
EmployeeHere Estimated number of employees at the current location integer
ExchangeName Name of the exchange where financial securities (such as shares of stock, bonds etc.) issued by companies are bought and sold string
FamilyMembers Number of family members including the global ultimate and all subsidiaries and branches of the entire family tree worldwide string
Faxnum Primary facsimile number for the business with no formatting or punctuation (This string contains all telecommunication number components [area code, exchange, number]) string
FormattedAddress A formatted address is an input address in a uniformly standard format as described by a set of attributes including HOUSENUMBER, STREETNAME, ADD_NUMBER, AREANAME3 and POSTCODE string
FranchiseName Franchise name string
GeoConfidenceCode Precisely geocoded confidence value (estimate of the correctness of the latitude and longitude assigned to a place) string
GeometryWKT Point geometry string
Georesult Results from geocoding (if applicable) indicate the success or failure of the geocoding operation as well as convey information about the quality of the match (Each character of the georesult code indicates the level of precision of each address component matched) string
GlobalUltimateAreaname1 State/province in which the ultimate company is located string
GlobalUltimateAreaname3 Name of the city where the ultimate company is located string
GlobalUltimateBusinessName Name of the ultimate company string
GlobalUltimateCountry Name of the country where the ultimate company is located string
GlobalUltimateIndicator Indicates whether the site record is the Global Ultimate within the corporate family tree string
GlobalUltimatePOIID Unique ID for the ultimate company string
GlobalUltimatePostcode Postal code of the ultimate company string
GlobalUltimateStreetAddress The physical address of the ultimate company string
GroupName Level2 POI category string
HierarchyCode Number used with the status and subsidiary indicators to pinpoint the location of an establishment within a corporate hierarchy string
HTTP URL (Uniform Resource Locator) address of the business. URL availability may depend on the nature of the business string
ISO3 Three-character ISO code of the country string
Latitude Y value for point (6 decimal places) double
LegalStatusCode Code value describing the legal structure of the business. string
Longitude X value for point (6 decimal places) double
MainAddressLine Address in a uniformly standard format including ADD_NUMBER and STREETNAME string
MainClass Level3 POI category string
MICode Precisely POI classification. string
Name Primary/Registered name of the business string
NATLIdType The business ID type code used in some countries for business registration and tax collection. Only one business ID is captured for each record string
NATLIdValue Corresponding business ID value for NATL_ID_TYPE string
Open24H Indicator of twenty-four hour opening string
ParcelID Unique Parcel identifier string
ParcelID.Input ParcelID input by the user in the request string
Parent PBKEY parent address record , if applicable. Identifies the parent building for secondary addresses string
ParentAddress Formatted address in a standard format as described by PARENT_STREET_ADDRESS, PARENT_POSTCODE, PARENT_AREANAME3, PARENT_AREANAME1, and PARENT_COUNTRY string
ParentAreaname1 State/province where the parent/headquarters is located string
ParentAreaname3 City where the parent/headquarters is located string
ParentBusinessName The primary name of the parent/headquarters company string
ParentCountry The name of country where the parent/headquarters is located (in English) string
ParentPOIID Unique ID for the parent/headquarters company string
ParentPostcode Postal code where the parent/headquarters is located string
ParentStreetAddress Physical street address of the parent/headquarters company string
PBID Unique ID for an addressable location long
PBKey Unique ID for an addressable location string
POIID POIID input by the user in the request string
POIID.Input POIID input by the user in the request string
Postcode Postal code where the business is physically located string
PreciselyID Unique ID for the addressable location , known as PreciselyID string
PreciselyID.Input PreciselyID input by the user in the request string
SalesVolumeLocal Estimated total annual sales/revenue for this business, in local currency. Not available for branch locations long
SalesVolumeUSDollars Total annual sales/revenue for this business, expressed in the US dollars as a signed, decimal field long
SIC1 US 1987 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code which represents the primary operations of the business string
SIC2 US 1987 Standard Industrial Classification code for the second line of business operations as ranked by percent of sales/revenue string
SIC8 An eight-digit Standard Industrial Classification code identifying a line of operations for a business at the most specific level. string
SIC8Description Eight-digit SIC description identifying a line of operations for a business at the most specific level. string
SourceAddr Original source address, not standardized. string
Stabb Abbreviation for the state or equivalent where the business is located string
Status F if failure occurred. Otherwise blank string
Status.Code Reason for failure string
Status.Description Description of the problem, if there is one string
StatusCode Code value describing the organizational status of the business. string
Streetname Parsed street name string
SubClass Level4 POI category string
SubsidiaryIndicator Indicates whether a business is more than 50% owned by another organization. string
TelNum Primary voice telephone number for the business with no formatting or punctuation (This string contains all telecommunication number components [area code, exchange, number]) string
TickerSymbol A ticker symbol or stock symbol is an abbreviation used to uniquely identify publicly traded shares of a particular stock on a particular stock market. string
TradeDivision Level1 POI category string
TradeName Trading style name/brand name used by a business string
YearStart Year when current ownership or management assumed control of the business or the year established if no control change has taken place (not provided for branch records) integer