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Spectrum OnDemand Web Services (REST)

Product type
Product family
Spectrum > Spectrum Platform
Spectrum > Dataflow Designer
Spectrum > Quality > Spectrum Quality
Spectrum > Discovery
Spectrum > Spatial > Spectrum Spatial Insights
Spectrum > Quality > Context Graph
Spectrum > Quality > Addressing
Spectrum OnDemand
Spectrum > Web Services
Spectrum > Spatial > Spectrum Spatial
Spectrum > Geo Addressing > Enterprise Tax
Spectrum > Spatial > Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Product name
Spectrum OnDemand
Spectrum OnDemand Web Services (REST)
First publish date
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Field Name Description Type
DuplicateCount Number of additional parcels matched with the same ownership integer
HasDuplicates Y or N indication of additional parcels matched with same ownership String
MatchRecordType Suspect (input Parcel) or Duplicate (Parcel with matching ownership) String
MatchInfo It displays the detailed information of each matching record in JSON format, for example, a match record's name, type, state as True or False, and score between 0-100. String
MatchScore 0 to 100 score indicating how closely a Duplicate parcel owner matched a Suspect parcel owner String
OwnerFName Owner first name String
OwnerFName2 2nd owner first name String
OwnerLName Owner Last Name String
OwnerLName2 2nd owner last name String
OwnerMName Owner middle name String
OwnerMName2 2nd owner middle name String
ParcelAPN Unique Parcel APN derived from the Parcel geometry String
ParcelArea Total area of the parcel in square feet String
ParcelElevation Elevation at the parcel centroid, in feet above sea level. Value will be -9,999 when no elevation data is available integer
ParcelFips Combination of the FIPS codes for the state (first two digits) and county (last three digits) in which the property is located String
ParcelGeoid Geography ID; 15-digit ID from TIGER block (state FIPS, county FIPS, tract FIPS, block group FIPS, and block FIPS) String
ParcelGeometryWKT Parcel Polygon geometry String
ParcelLat Latitude of the polygon centroid double
ParcellD Unique parcel identifier String
ParcellD.Input ParcellD input by the user in the request String
ParcelLon Longitude of the polygon centroid double
PropertyAttributelD Unique and persistent ID for a tax record. This ID serves as the unique record ID for the Property Attributes Assessment. Use this field to link to the Precisely Property Historical Sales Product. String
Status F if failure occurred. Otherwise blank String
Status.Code Reason for failure String
Status.Description Description of the problem, if there is one String
TaxAddress Formatted first line of the address to which the tax bill is sent String
TaxZipcode ZIP Code String