GeocodeAddressUSA takes an address and returns latitude/longitude coordinates. GeocodeAddressUSA also standardizes and validates addresses using data from the U.S. Postal Service.
GeocodeAddressUSA can also geocode intersections. Instead of entering a mailing address, you can enter and intersection such as "Pearl St. and 28th" and obtain the coordinates of the intersection.
GeocodeAddressUSA is part of Enterprise Geocoding. For more information, see ee Enterprise Geocoding.
GeocodeAddressUSA takes an address as input. All addresses use this format regardless of the address's country. See Address Line Processing for U.S. Addresses for important information about how address line data is processed for U.S. addresses.
Resource URL
JSON endpoint:
XML endpoint:
For a list of Spectrum OnDemand servers, see Connecting to Spectrum OnDemand Servers.
Example with JSON Response
This example requests a JSON response:
The JSON returned by this request would be:
{"Output": [{
"Confidence": "89",
"ProcessedBy": "KGL",
"StreetDataType": "TOMTOM",
"LocationCode": "AS0",
"MatchCode": "S90",
"AdditionalInputData": "",
"AddressLine1": "3001 Summer St",
"AddressLine2": "",
"City": "Stamford",
"Country": "United States of America",
"FirmName": "",
"LastLine": "Stamford, CT 06905-4317",
"PostalCode": "06905-4317",
"PostalCode.Base": "06905",
"PostalCode.AddOn": "4317",
"RRHC": "",
"StateProvince": "CT",
"USUrbanName": "",
"PBKey": "",
"Latitude": "41.071144",
"Longitude": "-73.549149",
"StreetSide": "R",
"BlockLine1": "",
"BlockLine2": "",
"BlockLine3": "",
"BlockLine4": "",
"BlockLine5": "",
"BlockLine6": "",
"BlockSuffix": "",
"CBSACode": "14860",
"CBSADivisionCode": "",
"CBSAMetro": "Y",
"CensusBlockID": "090010212002007",
"CensusTract": "021200",
"CSACode": "408",
"USFIPSCountyNumber": "001",
"USFIPSStateCode": "09",
"USFIPSStateCountyCode": "09001",
"GeoConfidenceCentroidLatitude": "41.071144",
"GeoConfidenceCentroidLongitude": "-73.549149",
"GeoConfidenceCode": "ADDRESS",
"StreetSegmentPoints": [{"SegmentPoints": [
"Latitude": "41.071117",
"Longitude": "-73.549338"
"Latitude": "41.071204",
"Longitude": "-73.549323"
"ApartmentLabel": "",
"ApartmentLabel2": "",
"ApartmentNumber": "",
"ApartmentNumber2": "",
"CrossStreetLeadingDirectional": "",
"CrossStreetName": "",
"CrossStreetSuffix": "",
"CrossStreetTrailingDirectional": "",
"HouseNumber": "3001",
"LeadingDirectional": "",
"PrivateMailbox": "",
"PrivateMailbox.Designator": "",
"StreetName": "Summer",
"StreetSuffix": "St",
"TrailingDirectional": "",
"CityPreferredName": "Stamford",
"CityStateRecordName": "Stamford",
"CityShortName": "Stamford",
"DeliveryPointCode": "99",
"GovernmentBuilding": "",
"PostalBarCode": "431799",
"PostalCodeClass": "",
"PostalCodeUnique": "",
"PostalFacility": "P",
"USBCCheckDigit": "7",
"USCarrierRouteCode": "C006",
"USCarrierRouteSort": "B",
"USCityDelivery": "Y",
"USLOTCode": "0054A",
"AddressLineResolved": "",
"CountryLevel": "A",
"EWSMatch": "",
"GeoStanMatchScore": "0.0000000",
"Geocoder.MatchCode": "S5HPNTSC-A",
"Intersection": "F",
"IsAlias": "N01",
"IsCloseMatch": "Y",
"LACSAddress": "",
"RecordType": "HighRise",
"RecordType.Default": "Y",
"DatabaseVersion": "May 2022",
"ExpirationDate": "09/27/2022",
"StreetDataCode": "2",
"Alternate": "B",
"HouseNumberHigh": "3001",
"HouseNumberLow": "3001",
"HouseNumberParity": "O",
"PostalCodeExtensionHigh": "4317",
"PostalCodeExtensionLow": "4317",
"UnitNumberHigh": "",
"UnitNumberLow": "",
"UnitNumberParity": "",
"BlockLeft": "090010213003001",
"BlockRight": "090010212002007",
"BlockSuffixLeft": "",
"BlockSuffixRight": "",
"RoadClass": "00",
"SegmentCode": "244405",
"SegmentDirection": "F",
"SegmentHouseNumberHigh": "3001",
"SegmentHouseNumberLow": "2984",
"SegmentLength": "",
"SegmentParity": "R",
"PointCode": "",
"Status": "",
"Status.Code": "",
"Status.Description": "",
"HouseNumber2": "",
"PreciselyId": "",
"Block2010": "090010212002010",
"user_fields": []
Example with XML Response
This example requests an XML response:
<xml.GeocodeAddressUSAResponse xmlns="">
<AddressLine1>3001 Summer St</AddressLine1>
<Country>United States of America</Country>
<LastLine>Stamford, CT 06905-4317</LastLine>
<DatabaseVersion>May 2022</DatabaseVersion>