Resource URL
JSON endpoint:
XML endpoint:
For a list of Spectrum OnDemand servers, see Connecting to Spectrum OnDemand Servers.
Example with JSON Response
The following example requests a JSON response: po box 534, dayton, oh 45404
The JSON returned by this request would be:
"Output": [
"AddressLine1": "PO Box 534",
"StateProvince": "OH",
"PostalCode": "45404-0534",
"City": "Dayton",
"ProcessedBy": "GTAS",
"InstanceKey": "ACUjMDMTYxODU4MjQ0MDIwOQMD02Mz",
"FirmName": "",
"FormattedAddress": "PO Box 534, Dayton, OH, 45404-0534",
"Ranges": [],
"PostalCode.AddOn": "0534",
"HouseNumber": "",
"ApartmentLabel": "",
"AddressLine2": "",
"user_fields": []
Example with XML Response
The following example requests an XML response: box 534, dayton, oh 45404
The XML returned by this request would be:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<xml.GlobalTypeAheadUSAPremiumResponse xmlns="">
<AddressLine1>PO Box 534</AddressLine1>
<FormattedAddress>PO Box 534, Dayton, OH, 45404-0534</FormattedAddress>