GlobalTypeAhead USA takes an address fragment as input, for example, '123 Mai', '123 Main St, Apple', and returns candidate addresses that match the input.
Parameter |
Description |
Option.Layout |
Option.MaximumCandidates |
Specifies the maximum number of candidates to return. It may be between 1 and 99. |
Option.OutputCasing |
Specifies the casing of the output data. The possible valuesare:
Note: The default is M (Mixed).
Option.SearchOnAddressNumber |
Specifies whether to match the Address Number with the input number. The possible values are:
Note: The default is N (No).
Option.Separator |
Specifies whether to use separators (spaces or hyphens) in ZIP™Codes or Canadian postal codes. For example, a ZIP + 4® Code with the separator would be20706-1844, and without the separator, it would be 207061844. ACanadian postal code with the separator would be P5E"1S7, andwithout the separator, it would be P5E1S7.
Note: Spaces are used in Canadian postal codes and hyphens in U.S. ZIP + 4® Codes.
Option.UnitFirst |
Specifies whether the unit number should appear at the start orthe end of the formatted/AddressLine1.