Resource URL
JSON endpoint:
XML endpoint:
For a list of Spectrum OnDemand servers, see Connecting to Spectrum OnDemand Servers.
Example with JSON Response
The following example requests a JSON response: w 34 &Data.Latitude=40.7486589707895&Data.Longitude=-73.98580641773391
The JSON returned by this request would be:
"Output": [
"AddressLine1": "20 W 34th St",
"StateProvince": "NY",
"PostalCode": "10118",
"City": "New York",
"ProcessedBy": "GGM",
"InstanceKey": "ACUjMTMTY0MjQyMjcyMDc2OAMT01Mz",
"FormattedAddress": "20 W 34th St, New York, NY 10118",
"RangeCount": "1",
"Ranges": [
"Range": "20",
"FormattedRangeAddress": "20 W 34th St, New York, NY 10118",
"UnitCount": "2",
"UnitsInfo": [
{ "UnitInfo": "Frnt 1", "FormattedUnitAddress": "20 W 34th St, Frnt 1, New York, NY 10118" }
{ "UnitInfo": "Frnt 2", "FormattedUnitAddress": "20 W 34th St, Frnt 2, New York, NY 10118" }
"Country": "USA",
"user_fields": []
"AddressLine1": "20 W 34th St",
"StateProvince": "NJ",
"PostalCode": "07002",
"City": "Bayonne",
"ProcessedBy": "GGM",
"InstanceKey": "ACUjMTMTY0MjQyMjcyMDc2OAMT01Mz",
"FormattedAddress": "20 W 34th St, Bayonne, NJ 07002",
"RangeCount": "1",
"Ranges": [
"Range": "20",
"FormattedRangeAddress": "20 W 34th St, Bayonne, NJ 07002",
"UnitCount": "5",
"UnitsInfo": [
{ "UnitInfo": "#22", "FormattedUnitAddress": "20 W 34th St, #22, Bayonne, NJ 07002" }
{ "UnitInfo": "Apt 2", "FormattedUnitAddress": "20 W 34th St, Apt 2, Bayonne, NJ 07002" }
{ "UnitInfo": "Apt 5", "FormattedUnitAddress": "20 W 34th St, Apt 5, Bayonne, NJ 07002" }
{ "UnitInfo": "Apt 7", "FormattedUnitAddress": "20 W 34th St, Apt 7, Bayonne, NJ 07002" }
{ "UnitInfo": "Apt G", "FormattedUnitAddress": "20 W 34th St, Apt G, Bayonne, NJ 07002" }
"Country": "USA",
"user_fields": []
Example with XML Response
The following example requests an XML response: w 34 &Data.Latitude=40.7486589707895&Data.Longitude=-73.98580641773391
The XML returned by this request would be:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<xml.GeoTypeAheadUSCANResponse xmlns="">
<AddressLine1>20 W 34th St</AddressLine1>
<City>New York</City>
<FormattedAddress>20 W 34th St, New York, NY 10118</FormattedAddress>
<FormattedRangeAddress>20 W 34th St, New York, NY 10118</FormattedRangeAddress>
<UnitInfo>Frnt 1</UnitInfo>
<FormattedUnitAddress>20 W 34th St, Frnt 1, New York, NY 10118</FormattedUnitAddress>
<UnitInfo>Frnt 2</UnitInfo>
<FormattedUnitAddress>20 W 34th St, Frnt 2, New York, NY 10118</FormattedUnitAddress>
<AddressLine1>20 W 34th St</AddressLine1>
<FormattedAddress>20 W 34th St, Bayonne, NJ 07002</FormattedAddress>
<FormattedRangeAddress>20 W 34th St, Bayonne, NJ 07002</FormattedRangeAddress>
<FormattedUnitAddress>20 W 34th St, #22, Bayonne, NJ 07002</FormattedUnitAddress>
<UnitInfo>Apt 2</UnitInfo>
<FormattedUnitAddress>20 W 34th St, Apt 2, Bayonne, NJ 07002</FormattedUnitAddress>
<UnitInfo>Apt 5</UnitInfo>
<FormattedUnitAddress>20 W 34th St, Apt 5, Bayonne, NJ 07002</FormattedUnitAddress>
<UnitInfo>Apt 7</UnitInfo>
<FormattedUnitAddress>20 W 34th St, Apt 7, Bayonne, NJ 07002</FormattedUnitAddress>
<UnitInfo>Apt G</UnitInfo>
<FormattedUnitAddress>20 W 34th St, Apt G, Bayonne, NJ 07002</FormattedUnitAddress>