This section is a compilation of a few frequently asked question with their answers and useful links.
How can I contact the support for my queries?
Click the Help icon (question mark) on the title bar of the page. Select from account manager, SaaS Sales Support, or Software Support for respective email links. You may also click the support phone number to connect with the support through phone.
How can I see my transaction balance?
See the box below the user name on the top left of the dashboard page. It displays the consumed transaction Prepaid Client Transactions Consumed (if you are a prepaid user) and Pay-As-You-Go Transactions Consumed (if you are a Pay-As-You-Go user).
Is there a way to see the estimated time by which my balance will be zero?
Yes. See the middle box just below the user name on the dashboard page. The Zero Funds Est tells you the calculated time by which your balance will be over. This is calculated based on your average consumption of transactions.
How can I see the number of transactions I consumed in a particular
Select the month from Date Range in which the desired week falls. Now, In the Transactions Consumed section (the graph), click the thick point corresponding to the month in which the week falls. The graph reloads and the weekly view appears. Hover the mouse over the thick dot on the graph for the desired week. Notice that the tool tip reads the number of transactions consumed in that week.
How can I see transaction balance for any service?
See step 5 of Generating transaction report.
How can I see dashboard for one of my subaccounts?
Click the sub-account name in the Usage by Subaccount section. A dashboard appears that has all the details pertaining to the sub-account.