For the purposes of this guide, we will:
- use a user called sdkuser
- install everything into /precisely
Perform the following steps from a node in your cluster, such as the master
Create the install directory and give ownership to sdkuser.
sudo mkdir /precisely
sudo chown sdkuser:sdkuser /precisely
Add the Location Intelligence distribution zip to the node at a temporary location, for
Extract the Location Intelligence distribution.
mkdir /precisely/li
mkdir /precisely/li/software
unzip /precisely/temp/ -d /precisely/li/software
Create an install directory on hdfs and give ownership to sdkuser.
sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -mkdir -p hdfs:///precisely/li
sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -chown -R sdkuser:sdkuser hdfs:///precisely
Upload the distribution into HDFS.
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /precisely/li/software hdfs:///precisely/li