Introduction - 23.1

Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide

Product name
Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide
First publish date
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This section describes the end-to-end process of data migration using sample flows.

Note: These sample templates are part of the Spectrum installer file and do not work standalone. There is no further support available for these samples.

Locating the Sample Template

We provide a set of preconfigured templates that demonstrate Spectrum migration capabilities. This provides a starting point to create flows. Create two or more connections and import these flows into your system to demonstrate the migration capabilities. The sample template is shipped with the Spectrum Technology Platform installer zip.

Depending on your installation directory, you can find the sample template at this path:
Program Files\Precisely\Spectrum\server\modules\discovery\connectors\samples
This folder contains all the required files to configure the data flow.

Creating Connections

You need to create two connections to import and deploy required files to configure the data flow. Follow these steps to create connections:
  1. Install the latest Spectrum Platform Server
  2. Open the Spectrum Technology Platform home page.
    To do this, in click Start > Precisely > Welcome Page > .
  3. Click Platform Client Tools > Web > Open Management Console.
  4. Enter a valid user name and password in the Sign in dialog box.
  5. Click Resources > Connections and create two connections.
  6. MSDynamics_TestConnection with Type Microsoft Dynamics 365. Click Test and a success message is displayed: Success: The connection Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online successfully connected to the data source
For more details on how to create connections, refer to Connecting to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online.

Importing and Deploying Files to the Server

With connection in place, now you need a command line utility to import and deploy the files to the server.
  1. Open the Spectrum Technology Platform home page.
  2. Click Platform Client Tools > Command Line and download these files:
    • Job Executor, which is an individual *.jar file
    • Administration Utility, which is a zipped file (spectrum-cli)
  3. Unzip the spectrum-cli file.
  4. Copy all the files from the Sample Template folder to the spectrum-cli folder.
    This saves you from entering full path of every file with each command.
  5. Run the cli.cmd utility located in the spectrum-cli folder to launch the command line interface.
  6. Connect to the Spectrum Server with this command:
    connect server:port --u username --p password
    The connection is confirmed by this message: Connected to server server name : port.
  7. Run the following commands in the order shown to import and deploy sample data flows:
    1. Import modelstore using this command that imports the modelstore with all dependencies:
      spectrum modelstore bulkImport --importDependency true
    2. Deploy modelstore using command:
      modelstore deploy --n name
    3. Import dbconnection using command:
      dbconnection import --f name.json
    4. Import data flows using command:
      dataflow import --f name.df
Remove any extra spaces around commands of file names and replace the placeholder <name> with the exact name of the file.

Viewing Imported Files

After successful import, you can use these data flows to demonstrate the Spectrum capabilities.

Files are stored at following locations:
  • Modelstore: In the Physical Model and Model Store tabs in Discovery
  • Dataflow: In the Server Explorer of Enterprise Designer application
  • Json: In the Model Store in Management Console