Setting Report Defaults - 23.1

Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide

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Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide
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Reports are generated by jobs that contain a report stage. Reports can include processing summaries such as the number of records processed by the job, or postal forms such as the USPS CASS 3553 form. Some modules come with predefined reports. You can also create custom reports. Setting report defaults establishes the default settings for saving reports. The default settings can be overridden for a job, or for a particular report with in a job, by using Spectrum Enterprise Designer.

This procedure describes how to set the default reporting options for your system.

  1. Open Spectrum Management Console.
  2. Go to Flows > Defaults.
  3. Click Reports.
  4. Choose the format you want to use to save reports. Reports can be saved as HTML, PDF, or text.
  5. Choose where you want to save reports.
    Save reports to job history
    Saves reports on the server as part of the job history. This makes it convenient for Spectrum Management Console and Spectrum Enterprise Designer users to view reports since the reports are available in the execution history.
    Save reports to a file
    Saves reports to a file in the location you specify. This is useful if you want to share reports with people who are not Spectrum Technology Platform users. It is also useful if you want to create an archive of reports in a different location. To view reports saved in this manner you can use any tool that can open the report's format, such as a PDF viewer for PDF reports or a web browser for HTML reports.
  6. If you selected Save reports to a file, complete these fields.
    Report location
    The folder where you want to save reports.
    Append to report name
    Specifies variable information to include in the file name. You can choose one or more of these options:
    Job ID
    A unique ID assigned to a job execution. The first time you run a job on your system the job has an ID of 1. The second time you run a job, either the same job or another job, it has a job ID of 2, and so on.
    The name of the stage that contributed data to the report, as specified in the report stage in Enterprise Designer.
    The day, month, and year that the report was created.
    Overwrite existing reports
    Replaces previous reports that have the same file name with the new report. If you do not select this option and there is an existing report that has the same name as the new report, the job will complete successfully but the new report will not be saved. A comment will appear in the execution history indicating that the report was not saved.