Open Name Parser Summary Report - 23.1

Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide

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Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide
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The Open Name Parser Summary Report lists summary statistics about the job, such as the total number of input records and the total number of records that contained no name data, as well as several parsing statistics. For instructions on how to use reports, see the Spectrum Technology Platform Dataflow Designer's Guide.

General Results

  • Total number of input records—The number of records in the input file.
  • Total number of records that contained no name data—The number of records in the input file that did not contain name data to be parsed.
  • Total number of names parsed out—The number of names in the input file that were parsed.
  • Total Records—The total number of records processed.
  • Lowest name parsing score—The lowest parsing score given to any name in the input file.
  • Highest name parsing score—The highest parsing score given to any name in the input file.
  • Average name parsing score—The average parsing score given among all parsed names in the input file.

Personal Name Parsing Results

  • Number of personal name records written—The number of personal names in the input file.
  • Number of names parsed from conjoined names—The number of parsed names from records that contained conjoined names. For example, if your input file had five records with two conjoined names and seven records with three conjoined names, this value for this field would be 31, as expressed in this equation: (5 x 2) + (7 x 3).
  • Records with 2 conjoined names—The number of input records containing two conjoined names.
  • Records with 3 conjoined names—The number of input records containing three conjoined names.
  • Number of names with title of respect present—The number of parsed names containing a title of respect.
  • Number of names with maturity suffix present—The number of parsed names containing a maturity suffix.
  • Number of names with general suffix present— The number of parsed names containing a general suffix.
  • Number of names that contained account descriptions—The number of parsed names containing an account description.
  • Total Reverse Order Names—The number of parsed names in the reverse order, resulting in the output field isReversed as "True".

Business Name Parsing Results

  • Number of business name records written—The number of business names in the input file.
  • Number of names with firm suffix present—The number of parsed names containing a firm suffix.
  • Number of names that contained account descriptions—The number of input records containing an account description.
  • Total DBA Records—The number of input records containing Doing Business As (DBA) conjunctions, resulting in both output fields isPersonal and isFirm as "True".