Output - 23.1

Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide

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Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide
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Each located geometry is returned in a separate record along with the data listed in the table below.
Note: The geometry column must be selected in order to do spatial operations on records in subsequent stages.
Table 1. Find Nearest Output
Output Option Description

Include checkbox

The Include checkbox allows you to select which columns from the search table to include as fields on the output record.

Table columns Represents the column names from the selected named table. This field is not editable.
Output field name Represents the output field. If selected, this name will be written to the stage output. This field is editable; for example, if the input spatial data contains a field called Latitude then you may rename it to PointOfInterest_Latitude.
Type Represents the column type. This field is not editable.
The results are guaranteed to be returned in distance order for Find Nearest. Results with a distance of 0 (contains/intersects) are returned first and the remainder are sorted such that those closest to the input are returned before those that are farther away. No order is guaranteed within results that intersect/contain the input; because for distance = 0, these results are considered equivalent