Input - 23.1

Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide

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Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide
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Travel Boundary takes cost, cost unit, and point as input. The following table describes sections and fields that you can use to calculate and draw a polygon.

Section Field Name Description
Point   Either specify the Point as the name of an existing geometry field or create a point from a pair of X/Y field names. The Geometry and X/Y fields are mutually exclusive (you need to choose one or the other).

Select the geometry field name to be used as a Point.

By default, the pointGeometry name is configured.

If the Geometry radio button is selected, the pointGeometry field name will be exposed automatically in the input from the previous stage, and you can provide the value for this to be used. The Geometry radio button comes selected by default.

Longitude/Latitude (X/Y)

Select the Longitude (X) and Latitude (Y) fields to be used to construct the Point. The drop-down lists contain the names of all the fields of type string and numeric.

By default, the name pointx is configured for the Longitude (X) field and the name pointy for the Latitude (Y) field.

If the Longitude/Latitude (X/Y) radio button is selected, the pointx and pointy field names will be exposed automatically in the input from the previous stage and you can provide the value for this to be used.

By default, the coordinate system for the Point is set to WGS84. If required, change the coordinate system to match the input X and Y fields. You can also provide the coordinate system from previous input stage with name pointCoordsys(case in-sensitive) of type string, which, if provided, will override the value present in the input tab.

For more information about EPSG codes, see To retrieve a list of supported codespaces for EPSG, you can submit the SOAP request List Supported CoordSys by Code Space from the Geometry Service Demo page at http://<server>:<port>/Spatial/GeometryService/DemoPage.html

Travel Time/Distances    
Travel Values   Either specify the Values or Values Field Name. Both options are mutually exclusive.

Select the Values to provide the cost as a comma-separated string. This option is selected by default.

By default, the value of cost is set as 20.

If the Values (cost) radio button is selected, the values mentioned in the text box will apply to all the requests. You can specify multiple costs are separating them by “,” ( a comma). Each cost should be of type double. You can override this value by specifying the cost in the field named DefaultTravelCost.

  Values Field Name

Select the Values Field Name option to provide the cost in the field named selected in the drop-down. Double and list of Double can be specified as values for this field from the input.

Any field added by the user as Double and list of Double in the input will come listed in this drop down. By default, it is configured with a field name of TravelCost and will be exposed in the input if this option is selected.

Travel Unit   Either specify the Unit or Unit Field Name. Both options are mutually exclusive (you need to choose one or the other).

Select the list of units to select the cost unit.

By default, Minutes is selected.

If the Unit radio button is selected, the unit selected from the drop-down will apply to all requests. You can override this value by specifying the cost in the field named DefaultTravelCostUnit.

  Unit field name

When the user selects the Unit Field Name radio button, the TravelCostUnit option from the drop-down comes selected by default. It will be exposed as TravelCostUnit in the input if this option is selected.

The drop-down will list all fields of type String.