Output Response - 23.1

Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide

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Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide
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This tab has the fields to be included in the output of the stage, to be consumed by the next stage.

Note: The geometry field must be selected in order to do spatial operations on records in subsequent stages

Field name Description
Distance field

Name of the output field that will hold the distance value calculated from given start to end.

It will be available in the output only if the check box against it is selected.

Distance unit field

Name of the output field that will hold the distance unit against the calculated distance from given start to end.

It will be available in the output only if the check box against the Distance field is checked.

Distance unit

The unit to be used for displaying the calculated distance.

  • Feet: Return distance in feet.
  • Kilometers: Return distance in kilometers.
  • Meters: Return distance in meters. Default.
  • Miles: Return distance in miles.
  • Yards: Return distance in yards.

It will be available in the output only if the check box against the Distance field is selected.

Time field

Name of the output field that will hold the time value calculated from given start to end.

It will be available in the output only if the check box against it is checked.

Time unit field

Name of the output field that will hold the time unit against the calculated time from given start to end.

It will be available in the output only if the check box against the Time field is checked.

Time unit

The value set against Time unit field:

  • Hours: Return time in hours.
  • Minutes: Return time in minutes. Default.
  • Seconds: Return time in seconds.
  • Milliseconds: Return time in milliseconds.
Geometry field

Name of the output field that will hold the resultant route geometry.

It will be available in the output only if the check box against it is checked.

IntermediatePoint Geometry Name of the output field will hold the optimized route geometry with optimized points. The check box remains cleared by default.