Travel - 23.1

Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide

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Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide
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This set of preferences allows you to set the desirability for each road type. For instance, you can request that the server attempt to avoid all of the major road types.

Table 1. Travel Preferences Options



  • Road preferences

Specifies the priority to give to different types of roads when determining the route.

  • Travel only on major roads

Specifies whether to include all roads in the calculation or just major roads. If you choose to include only major roads, performance will improve but accuracy may decrease.

This map represents a travel boundary with travel allowed on all roads:

This map represents a travel boundary with travel restricted to major roads only:

  • Avoid
  • Toll Roads

Specifies whether you want a route with or without a toll road. The stage contains the "avoid Toll Roads" feature. There is a check box labeled "Toll Roads" on the UI. You can check it to avoid toll roads. You can also add or expose this parameter from input value as "TollRoad". The input value can contain Boolean values where False is the default value.

For Example:

Following route contains toll road information, which is mentioned in the following image:

Now, for the same points, if you check the toll Road or set the “TollRoad” parameter as True, the response contains a route without any toll roads. See the following response: