Routing - 23.1

Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide

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Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide
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The following table lists the configuration options for Get Travel Directions.

Table 1. Get Travel Directions Configuration Options




The name of the database that contains the data to use in the search process. Use a valid routing database resource name defined in the Resources section of the Management Console. For more information, see the Creating a Routing Database Resource

Optimize by

Specifies whether Get Travel Directions should find the shortest distance or the shortest time.

One of the following:

Shortest Time
Optimize by shortest time traveled. Default.
Shortest Distance
Optimize by shortest distance traveled.

Coordinate system

The coordinate system of the input coordinates.

For more information on EPSG codes, see To retrieve a list of supported codespaces for EPSG, you can submit the SOAP request List Supported CoordSys by Code Space from the Geometry Service Demo page at http://<server>:<port>/Spatial/GeometryService/DemoPage.html.

Coordinate format

Specifies the format of latitude/longitude coordinates in the input.

Note: Use this option only if you specify a Latitude/Longitude coordinate system. If the coordinate system is not a Latitude/Longitude coordinate system, set the coordinate format to Decimal.

One of the following:

(90.000000, 180.000000). Default.
Decimal Assumed
(90000000, 180000000).
(90 00 00N, 180 00 00W)
(090000000N, 180000000W)
Pre-Zero Decimal
(090.000000N, 180.000000W)

Directions style

Specifies how directions should be returned.

One of the following:

Return directions in a normal format. Default.
Return directions in a terse format. Terse directions are more suitable for wireless devices.

Distance units

Specifies how Get Travel Directions should return distance values.

One of the following:

Return distance in feet.
Return distance in kilometers.
Return distance in meters.
Return distance in miles. Default.
Return distance in yards.

Time units

Specifies how Get Travel Directions should return time.

One of the following:

Return time in hours.
Return time in minutes. Default.
Return time in seconds.
Return time in milliseconds.


Specifies the focus of the route. A focused route is a subset of the whole route that concentrates on either the beginning or end of the route. A route focused at the start will route the user from their origin to (and including) the first major highway. A route focused at the end will route the user from the last major highway in the route (including that highway) to the destination. If there are no major highways in the route, the focused route will be the same as an unfocused route.

One of the following:

Return just the start of the route.
Return just the end of the route.
Return the whole route. Default.

Historic traffic time bucket

Specifies whether the routing calculation uses the historic traffic speeds. These speeds are based on different time-of-day buckets. The data must have historic traffic speeds included in order to use this feature. The data for each country/region has the same bucket definitions, where the speeds for these bucket values may vary. The options are:

The default value. Historic traffic data is not used in the calculation. Instead an averaged speed value is used.
Calculate routes with the peak AM speeds. The AMPeak time bucket is from 07:00 to 10:00hr time of day.
Calculate routes with the peak PM speeds. The PMPeak time bucket is from 16:00 to 19:00hr time of day.
Calculate routes with the off peak (daytime) speeds. The OffPeak time bucket is from 10:00 to 16:00hr time of day.
Calculate routes with the nighttime speeds. The Night time bucket is from 22:00 to 04:00hr time of day.

Optimize intermediate points

Specifies whether Get Travel Directions re-orders the intermediate points in an optimal manner during route computation.


Specifies the number of local roads that can be loaded into memory during route or matrix calculation. The number of roads that can load is directly proportional to the value selected in the parameter where 1 is the minimum and 3 is the maximum value. Valid values can be 1,2, or 3. The default is 1. See Local Roads Load Factor for a detailed description and impact of the parameter on routing or matrix calculation.

Note: The parameter does not accept decimal values.