Parsed Input - 23.1

Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide

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Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide
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Spectrum Global Address Validation output can include the input address in parsed form. This type of output is referred to as "parsed input."

Parsed input fields contain the address data that was used as input regardless of whether or not Spectrum Global Address Validation validated the address. This information is not available when the address is validated at the postal / city level. It is available when an address gets validated at the street level. To include parsed input fields in the output, select the Parsed address output option.

Table 1. Parsed Input
Field Name Format Description
DualAddressParsed.Input String A dual address is an address that contains more than one mailable address. For example, an address that contains both a PO Box and a street address is considered a dual address. When a dual address line is entered as input, this field contains the address line that is not used for AddressBlock1.

If a PO Box (CAN, FRA, and UK) and a street address are entered as input and the option "Prefer PO Box over street" is enabled, the PO Box number is returned in the AddressLine1 field and AddressBlock1 fields and the street address is returned in the DualAddressParsed.Input field.

If a PO Box (CAN, FRA, and UK) and a street address are entered as input and the option "Prefer PO Box over street" is not enabled, the street address is returned in the AddressLine1 field and AddressBlock1 fields and the PO Box is returned in the DualAddressParsed.Input field.

ParsedAddressLine1.Input String The first address line passed on input.

For some countries (CAN, FRA, and UK), when the "PO Box over street" option is activated, this field contains PO Box.

ParsedApartmentLabel.Input String The unit designator passed on input.
ParsedApartmentNumber.Input String The unit number passed on input.
ParsedCity.Input String The city/locality/suburb name passed on input.
ParsedCitySubdivision.Input String The urbanization name passed on input.
ParsedCountry.Input String The country passed on input.
ParsedHouseNumber.Input String The house number passed on input. For example, 123 E Main St Apt 3.
ParsedPlaceName.Input String The place or firm name passed on input.
ParsedPostCodeAddOn.Input String The second part of a postal code passed on input. This field is not used by most countries.
ParsedPostCodeBase.Input String The postal code passed on input.

For some countries, this field contains the first part of the postal code and the ParsedPostCodeAddOn.Input contains the second part of the postal code.

ParsedPostStreetType.Input String The street type passed on input. For example, 123 E Main St Apt 3.
ParsedPreStreetType.Input String The predirectional type passed on input. For example, 123 E Main St Apt 3.
ParsedStateProvince.Input String The name of one of the state or province depending on the country passed on input.
ParsedStateProvinceSubdivision.Input String The subdivision passed on input.