All fields are String format.
Field Name | Description |
USA.AbbreviatedCityName | The abbreviated city name. |
USA.AddressLocation | The location where the address information was found.
USA.AdvancedBarcode | The returned 14-digit barcode consisting of the beginning frame character, ZIP Code, ZIP + 4, delivery point, check digit, and end framing character. |
USA.AltStreet | The returned alternate street name. |
USA.AltStreetType | The returned alternate street name type.
USA.Apartment1 | The first apartment (unit) field in the address. This field is used for output. This field will only be populated if the Save unit in separate field is selected. If selected, the data is not included on the AddressLineX field(s). |
USA.Apartment2 | The second apartment (unit) field in the address. This field is used for output. This field will only be populated if the Save unit in separate field is selected. If selected, the data is not included on the AddressLineX field(s). |
USA.BCCheckDigit | The valid one-digit modulo check digit required for printing the correct barcode. |
USA.CarrierRouteCode | The returned carrier route code. |
USA.CASSAddressLine1 | For successfully-coded addresses, the output label line Address Line 1 contains the coded address line information. |
USA.CASSAddressLine2 | For successfully-coded addresses, the output label line Address Line 2 contains the city/state/ZIP Code information. |
USA.CASSCityName | The city name. The city name returned here is the city name mandated by USPS regulations. Variations of the city name (for example, full, abbreviated, and non-mailing) are returned in alternate fields. |
USA.CongressionalDistrict | The returned congressional district. |
USA.DefaultMatch | The returned default match.
USA.DPV | The returned Delivery Point Validation (DPV) indicators.
USA.DPV.CMRA | The returned Commercial Mail Receiving Agents (CMRA) indicators.
USA.DPV.DNA | The DPV Door Not Accessible (DNA) Table status indicator. The DNA
Table identifies delivery addresses where carriers cannot knock on the
door for mail delivery or where carriers cannot physically access a
residence/building such as rural/highway contact route (HCR), long
driveway, or gated community.
USA.DPV.FalsePositive | The DPV False Positive Flag.
USA.DPV.Footnote | The returned DPV footnote code.
USA.DPV.LeadingDirectional | The parsed street predirectional for the record creating the False Positive (Seed) Table violation. |
USA.DPV.MatchedZIP | The parsed ZIP Code for the record creating the False Positive (Seed) Table violation. |
USA.DPV.MatchedZIP4 | The parsed Plus4 ZIP Code for the record creating the False Positive (Seed) Table violation. |
USA.DPV.NoStat | The DPV No-Stat Table status.
USA.DPV.NSL | The DPV No Secure Location (NSL) Table status.
USA.DPV.PBSAFound | The DPV PO Box Street Address (PBSA) Table status indicator.
USA.DPV.Range | The parsed street primary range for the record creating the False Positive (Seed) Table violation. |
USA.DPV.SeedHit | The DPV False Positive (Seed) Table indicator.
USA.DPV.StreetName | The street name for the address creating the False Positive (Seed) Table violation. |
USA.DPV.Suffix | The street suffix for the address creating the False Positive (Seed) Table violation. |
USA.DPV.Throwback | The DPV P.O. Box Throwback Table indicator.
USA.DPV.TrailingDirectional | The street postdirectional for the address creating the False Positive (Seed) Table violation. |
USA.DPV.UnitDesignator | The unit designator for the address creating the False Positive (Seed) Table violation. |
USA.DPV.UnitNumber | The unit number for the record creating the False Positive (Seed) Table violation. |
USA.DPV.Vacant | The DPV Vacant Table indicator.
USA.DPV.ZIP4 | The ZIP + 4 used for DPV processing. |
USA.EWSFailure | The address was not matched because the address was found in the USPS Early Warning System (EWS) File. |
USA.FIPSCountyNumber | The returned five-digit FIPS code. Positions 1 and 2 contain the state code. Positions 3 through 5 contain the county code. Used for output information only. |
USA.FiveDigitBarcode | The returned five-digit barcode. |
USA.FiveDigitScheme | The returned 5-digit combined ZIP Code. |
USA.FullCityName | The full city name. |
USA.LACS | The LACSLink status.
USA.LACS.Indicator | The one-byte CASS Stage file LACSLink Indicator value. If you are not performing a CASS Stage
test, this field can be ignored. If you are performing a CASS Stage
test, use the value in this field to populate the stage record.
USA.LACS.PreLACSAddress | The input address before LACSLink processing. |
USA.LACS.PreLACSLeadingDirectional | The input address street predirectional determined before LACSLink processing. |
USA.LACS.PreLACSMatchedZIP | The input address matched ZIP Code determined before LACSLink processing. |
USA.LACS.PreLACSMatchedZIP4 | The input address matched ZIP+4 Code determined before LACSLink processing. |
USA.LACS.PreLACSRange | The input address street primary range determined before LACSLink processing. |
USA.LACS.PreLACSStreetName | The input address street name determined before LACSLink processing. |
USA.LACS.PreLACSSuffix | The input address street suffix determined before LACSLink processing. |
USA.LACS.PreLACSTrailingDirectional | The input address street postdirectional determined before LACSLink processing. |
USA.LACS.PreLACSUnitD | The input address unit designator determined before LACSLink processing. |
USA.LACS.PreLACSUnitN | The input address unit number determined before LACSLink processing. |
USA.LACS.ReturnCode | The LACSLink return code.
USA.LACS.SeedHit | Indicates if the address was found in the LACSLink False Positive
(Seed) Table.
USA.LOTCode | The returned enhanced Line of Travel (eLOT) code. Used for output information only. If eLOT is unavailable, the default value is 0000D. |
USA.LOTSequence | The last character of the eLOT code indicates eLOT sequence.
USA.MatchLevel | The returned match level.
USA.NonMailingCityName | The non-mailing city name. A city name that is recognized by the USPS, but is not the preferred name for the ZIP Code. This is often a vanity name for the area. |
USA.Parsed.AltPostDirectional | The parsed alternate post directional. |
USA.Parsed.AltPreDirectional | The parsed alternate pre-directional. |
USA.Parsed.AltRange | The parsed alternate range. |
USA.Parsed.AltStreetName | The parsed alternate street name. |
USA.Parsed.AltStreetSuffix | The parsed alternate suffix. |
USA.Parsed.PMUnitDesignator | The parsed PMB or MSC designator. |
USA.Parsed.PMUnitNumber | The parsed PMB or MSC unit number. |
USA.Parsed.PostDirectional | The parsed post-directional. |
USA.Parsed.PreDirectional | The parsed pre-directional. |
USA.Parsed.Range | The parsed primary range. |
USA.Parsed.StreetName | The parsed street name. |
USA.Parsed.StreetSuffix | The parsed street suffix. |
USA.Parsed.Unit2Designator | The parsed second unit designator. |
USA.Parsed.Unit2Number | The parsed second unit number. |
USA.Parsed.UnitDesignator | The parsed unit designator. |
USA.Parsed.UnitNumber | The parsed unit number. |
USA.POBoxOnly | The PO Box only delivery zone status indicator.
USA.PostalBarcode | The returned delivery point barcode. |
USA.PreferredCityName | The preferred city name for ZIP Code. Note: For successfully-coded
addresses, the USA.PreferredCityName and the USA.PreferredState
fields are always populated.
For non-coded addresses, the USA.PreferredCityName and the USA.PreferredState fields are populated in the following scenarios:
For all other non-coded scenarios, the preferred fields are blank. |
USA.PreferredState | The preferred state abbreviation for the preferred city
name. Note: For successfully-coded addresses, the
USA.PreferredCityName and USA.PreferredState fields are always
For non-coded addresses, the USA.PreferredCityName and USA.PreferredState fields are populated in the following scenarios:
For all other non-coded scenarios, the preferred fields are blank. |
USA.PrivateMailbox | The returned matched Private Mail Box (PMB) or Mail Stop Code (MSC). |
USA.PrivateMailbox.Input | Reserved for future use. |
USA.PrivateMailbox.Type | Reserved for future use. |
USA.PrivateMailbox.Type.Input | Reserved for future use. |
USA.RDI | The returned Residential Delivery Indicator (RDI).
USA.SeasonalFlags | The seasonal delivery indicator beginning with January. The seasonal
indicators for the returned ZIP Code. These indicators identify, at the
5-digit ZIP Code level, the months in which seasonal addresses receive
delivery. There are 12 monthly flags (January through December). A "Y"
in one of the monthly slots indicates that seasonal addresses are
delivered mail in the month indicated by that slot. This field is blank
if there are no seasonal deliveries for the ZIP Code.
USA.Status | The match status of the address.
USA.Status.Code USA.Status.Description |
The returned match status code.
USA.StreetNameAliasType | The type of alias street name. An alias street name is an alternate
name for a street, maintained at the 5-digit ZIP Code level.
USA.SuiteLink.Fidelity | The SuiteLink fidelity code.
USA.SuiteLink.MatchCode | The SuiteLink match code.
USA.SuiteLink.ReturnCode | The SuiteLink return code.
USA.VeriMoveDataBlock | Reserved for future use. |
USA.ZIPValid | The returned ZIP Code. |
USA.ZIP4Valid | The returned ZIP + 4 Code. |