United Kingdom (GBR) Country Specific Fields - 23.1

Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide

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Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide
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Field Name Format Description
GBR.DependentStreet.Name String The addresses in the United Kingdom may contain two street names: a main street name and dependent street name. Some addresses may not contain a street name at all.
GBR.Dependent.Locality String The dependent locality name. A dependent locality is a large village or district. For example, Wimbledon.
GBR.DoubleDependent.Locality String The double dependent locality name. A double dependent locality is a small village or subdistrict.
GBR.Historic.Postcode String If the input address contained an old postal code that has been replaced by a new postal code, this field contains the old postal code.
GBR.Aliased.Locality String A locality that is not part of the postal address.
GBR.OSAPR String The Ordnance Survey Address Point reference (OSAPR). Each address has a unique OSAPR. OSAPRs are always 18 characters long and must start with the letters AP.
GBR.UPRN String The Unique Property Reference Number. The UPRN is a unique identifier that provides a persistent reference to a unique property, regardless of changes in the property name, status, subdivision, use (such as from single occupancy to multiple occupancy), or demolition of the property. All historic, alternative, and provisional addresses are recorded against the same UPRN. The UPRN field is not returned for Northern Ireland addresses.
GBR.RPC String The RPC identifies the positional accuracy of the candidate. The RPC describes the accuracy of the coordinates allocated to the address.