Options - 23.1

Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide

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Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide
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Generate Time Dimension has the following options.

Option Description

Start date

The first day of the date range for which to generate time dimension records.

End date

Select this option if you want to specify a specific end date for the time dimension. One record will be generated for each day between the start date and the date you specify here.


Select this option if you want the time dimension to span a certain number of days, months, or years. One record will be generated for each day of the duration. For example, if you specify one week, seven records will be generated, starting with the day you specified in the Start date field.

Time Attribute

Specifies the type of time information that you want to include in the time dimension. Each attribute will be a field in each day's record. For more information, see Time attribute types.


The name of the field that will created in the dataflow to contain the time attribute. A default field name is provided but you can modify the field name.


The data type of this field. Generate Time Dimension automatically chooses the appropriate data type for each time attribute.


Specifies whether to use a custom calendar when calculating the time attribute or the default Gregorian calendar. To define a custom calendar, click Calendar.