Add the Exception Monitor stage to a workflow - 23.1

Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide

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Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide
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  1. In the Stages palette, expand Primary Stages > deployed Stages > Data Stewardship.
  2. Drag the Exception Monitor stage to the canvas.
  3. Optional: Click the Exception Monitor label and type a meaningful name for the stage in the workflow.
  4. Drag a connection from an upstream stage to the input port on the Exception Monitor stage.
    This is the path through which records will enter the Exception Monitor.
  5. Drag a connection from the success port to the first downstream stage that will process records that do not trigger any exceptions.
  6. Drag a connection from the exception port to the first downstream stage that will process records that trigger an exception.
  7. Double-click the Exception Monitor stage to configure its options.
  8. On the Conditions tab, click the Add button to add conditions in the order that you want them evaluated.
    1. In the Add Condition dialog box, complete Name, Assign to, Data domain, and Data quality metric. Under Approval flow.
      For more information, see Add/Modify Condition dialog box.
    2. Optional: In the Type box under Approval flow, you can select an approval type to trigger an approval flow with a condition.
      To show on the Conditions tab, approval types must be defined on the Management Console Data Stewardship Settings page.
    3. On the Expressions tab, click Add to add expressions to the condition.
      You must add at least one expression to a condition.
      For more information, see Expression and Notification tabs.
    4. After you add expressions, click the Move Up or Move Down buttons to change the order in which expressions are evaluated.
    5. Optional: On the Notification tab, you can add recipients for reminder emails.
      For more information, see Expression and Notification tabs.
    6. Click OK.
    7. To save this condition for reuse as a predefined condition, click Save.
      For an existing condition, you will be prompted whether to overwrite the condition.
      Note: If you overwrite a predefined condition, any changes will affect all dataflows that already use the condition.
  9. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order in which conditions are evaluated.
    The order of the conditions is important only if you have enabled the option Stop evaluating when a condition is met. For more information, see Conditions tab
  10. Configure options on the Configuration tab.
    For more information, see Configuration tab.
  11. Click the OK button.