Open Parser parses your input data from many cultures of the world using a simple but powerful parsing grammar. Using this grammar, you can define a sequence of expressions that represent domain patterns for parsing your input data. Open Parser also collects statistical data and scores the parsing matches to help you determine the effectiveness of your parsing grammars.
Use Open Parser to:
- Parse input data using domain-specific and culture-specific parsing grammars that you define in Domain Editor.
- Parse input data using domain-independent parsing grammars that you define in Open Parser using the same simple but powerful parsing grammar available in Domain Editor.
- Parse input data using domain-independent parsing grammars at runtime that you define in Dataflow Options.
- Preview parsing grammars to test how sample input data parses before running the job using the target input data file.
- Trace parsing grammar results to view how tokens matched or did not match the expressions you defined and to better understand the matching process.