Exact | Searches the index for data that matches exactly what you enter on the Selection tab, including casing. As with property values, the value here is case sensitive if that field was indexed with the Exact type selected; if case sensitivity was used and you search for "texas" while your data includes entries of "Texas", they will not be returned. |
Starts with | Searches the index for data that contains text beginning with what you enter on the Selection tab. The search does not need to be a complete word. For example, a literal property value of “tech” or "tec" would be considered a match for a property value containing “Technical”, “Technology”, “Technologies”, or “Technician”. |
Ends with | Searches the index for data that contains text ending with what you enter on the Selection tab. The search does not need to be a complete word. For example, a literal property value of "Emirates" or "tes" would be considered a match for a property value containing "United Arab Emirates". |
Contains | Searches the index for data that contains the text that you enter on the Selection tab. The search string can incorporate any portion of an expected match. For example, a literal property value of “Light” and “Light Amplification” would be considered a match for a property value containing “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation”. |
Any | Searches the index for data that contains any of the text that you enter on the Selection tab. For example, a literal property value of “Austin Tex” would be considered a match for a property value containing “Texarkana” or "Stephen F. Austin University". |
All | Searches the index for data that contains all of the text that you enter on the Selection tab. For example, a literal property value of “Allstate claim 2013” would be considered a match for a property value containing “filed claim with Allstate June 2013”, as would literal property values of "all state" or "all 13". |
Between | Searches the index for data that falls within a range that you specify on the
Selection tab. When you use this search type, you must select a Property name that
contains date, time, date/time, or numeric data. All numeric data types are supported
with the exception of BigDecimal. For example, the following specifications would
return all entities with StartDate values occurring in the year 2000:
Matches Regular Expression |
Use a regular expression (regex) to search the index. |