Condition operators (Query Model) - 23.1
Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide
- Version
- 23.1
- Language
- English
- Product name
- Spectrum Technology Platform
- Title
- Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide
- First publish date
- 2007
- Last updated
- 2024-05-09
- Published on
- 2024-05-09T23:01:03.226155
- Equals
- Searches model elements for properties with values that match exactly what you enter in
the Value field. This can be a numeric value or a text value.
- Not Equals
- Searches model elements for properties with values that have any value other than what you
enter in the Value field. This can be a numeric value or a text value.
- Exists
- Searches the model elements for the existence of the property that you select in the Data
Source field.
- Does not Exist
- Searches the model for elements that do not contain properties that you
select in the Data Source field
- Is Blank
- Searches model elements for properties that contain no data. If a property value is blank,
that element will be returned. This can be a numeric value or a text
- Is Not Blank
- Searches model elements for properties that contain any data. If a property value is not
blank, that element will be returned. This can be a numeric value or a
text value.
- Greater Than
- Searches model elements for properties whose values are greater than the value you
specify. This can be a numeric, date, date/time, or time value.
- Greater Than or Equals
- Searches model elements for properties with numeric values that are greater than or equal
to the value you specify. This can be a numeric, date, date/time, or
time value.
- Less Than
- Searches model elements for properties with numeric values that are less than the value
you specify. This can be a numeric, date, date/time, or time value.
- Less Than or Equals
- Searches model elements for properties with numeric values that are less than or equal to
the value you specify. This can be a numeric, date, date/time, or time
- Contains
- Searches model elements for properties with values that contain what you enter in the Data
Source field. The search does not need to be a complete word. For
example, a literal property value of “Light” or “Light Amplification” would be
considered a match for a property value containing “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation”, so it would be returned. This can be a numeric value or a text value.
- Does not Contain
- Searches model elements for properties that do not contain what you enter in the Data
Source field. The search does not need to be a complete word. For
example, a literal property value of “Light” or “Light Amplification” would be
considered a match for a property value containing “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation”, so it would not be returned. This
can be a numeric value or a text value.
- Starts With
- Searches model elements for properties whose values start with the text you enter in the
Data Source field. For example, if you enter "Van" for the LastName
field it would return results with "Van Buren", Vandenburg", or "Van
- Does Not Start With
- Searches model elements for properties whose values do not start with the text you enter
in the Data Source field. For example, if you enter "Van" for the
LastName field it would not return results with "Van Buren",
Vandenburg", or "Van Dyck" but would return results with "Eddie Van
- Ends With
- Searches model elements for properties whose values end with the text you enter in the
Data Source field. For example, if you filter for records that end with
"burg" in the City field, it would return results with "Gettysburg",
"Fredricksburg", and "Blacksburg".
- Does Not End With
- Searches model elements for properties whose values do not end with the text you enter in
the Data Source field. For example, if you filter for records that end
with "burg" in the City field it would not return results with
"Gettysburg", "Fredricksburg", and "Blacksburg" but would return results
with "Burgess".
- Match Regular Expression
- Searches the model elements for properties having a regular expression match for what you
enter in the Data Source field. Regular expression matches identify
strings of text of interest, such as particular characters, words, or
patterns of characters. The value field should contain a valid regular
expression pattern.