Advanced Matching stages - 23.1

Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide

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Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide
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Spectrum Advanced Matching stages match records between and within any number of input files. You can also use Spectrum Advanced Matching stages to match on a variety of fields including name, address, name and address, or non-name and address fields, such as social security number or date of birth.

Stage Description
Best of Breed This stage selects a best-of-breed record from the duplicates cluster by selecting a template record, then using that record to build a composite record that becomes the survivor record.
Candidate Finder This stage finds candidate records that will form the set of potential matches that the Transactional Match stage will evaluate. Candidate Finder is used with Transactional Match.
Duplicate Synchronization This stage allows you to specify fields from a collection of records to copy (post) to the corresponding fields of all records in the collection.
Filter This stage allows you to specify the criteria that records must satisfy to be retained or removed from a collection of duplicate records, either for further processing downstream or for your output file.
Group Key Generator This stage uses a group strategy to create group keys and transitively merge selected fields.
Interflow Match This stage identifies matches between similar data records across multiple input streams.
Intraflow Match This stage identifies matches between similar data records within a single input stream.
Match Key Generator This stage creates a non-unique key shared by all like records. You have the option of grouping records that share the same key for comparison.
Transactional Match This stage matches suspect transactions against a database using the Candidate Finder Stage to query and return potential candidate records.
Write to Search Index This stage enables you to create a full-text index based on the data that the stage is accepting for processing. You can retain data in a dedicated search index to improve response times when searching the Candidate Finder.