- Open the subflow on the canvas.
- Before modifying the subflow, you may want to consider how the change will impact the flows using the subflow. To see which flows are using the subflow, select Tools > Used By.
Modify the subflow as needed.
- When you delete an Input or Output stage or add an additional Input or Output stage, Spectrum Enterprise Designer displays a warning message reminding you that other flows are using the subflow and giving you the option of seeing which flows use the subflow. If you continue saving the reusable stage, Spectrum Enterprise Designer will conceal all flows used by the subflow.
- If you change a subflow in another way, such as by changing a file name or the stage configurations, Spectrum Enterprise Designer will display a warning message reminding you that other flows are using the subflow and give you the option of seeing which flows use the subflow. You can continue without concealing those flows.
- When you are done making your changes, select File > Save.
Select View > Refresh in order for the changes to be reflected in the parent
Note: If you have more than one version of the subflow, remember that the version that is used in the parent dataflow is the exposed version. When you make a change to a subflow, be sure to expose the most recent version in order for your changes to take effect in the dataflows that use the subflow.