Exposing and Unexposing a Subflow - 23.1

Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide

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Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide
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In order for a subflow to be available for use within a dataflow the subflow must be exposed. To expose a subflow, open the subflow in Spectrum Enterprise Designer and go to File > Expose/Unexpose and Save. This will make the subflow available for use in other dataflows.
Note: If you have more than one version of the subflow, remember that the version that is used in the parent dataflow is the exposed version. When you make a change to a subflow, be sure to expose the most recent version in order for your changes to take effect in the dataflows that use the subflow.

To unexpose a subflow, open the subflow in Spectrum Enterprise Designer and select File > Expose/Unexpose and Save. When you unexpose a subflow, Spectrum Enterprise Designer displays a warning message reminding you that other dataflows are using the subflow you are about to alter. If you continue to unexpose the subflow, Spectrum Enterprise Designer unexposes all dataflows that use the subflow.