Converting a Stage to a Subflow - 23.1

Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide

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Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide
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  1. Create a new job, service, or subflow.
  2. Add the stage you would like to include in the job, service, or subflow.
  3. If you wish to configure the stage at this point, right-click the stage and select Options. Then configure the stage options as desired and click OK.
  4. Right-click the stage you want to convert and select Convert Stage to Subflow. The Save As dialog box appears.
  5. Enter the name you want to give the subflow and click OK, then save the service. The name must be unique to the system. Three things happen:
    • The system creates a new subflow that includes:
      • the stage you selected
      • a flow input for each input port on the stage
      • a flow output for each output port on the stage
      • connections between the stage and its inputs and outputs
    • The system replaces your selected stage with the new subflow.
    • The system exposes the new subflow. You will see it in the Server Explorer and in the User Defined Stages section of the toolbox.

After you have created a subflow and used it in other flows, you can see what other flows are using the subflow. Open the subflow and go to Tools > Used By. (Alternately, you can right-click the subflow in Server Explorer and select Used By.) This will show a list of flows that use the current subflow, allowing you to see which flows would be affected if you changed the current subflow.