Using Global Type Ahead As a Service - 23.1

Spectrum Addressing Guide

Product name
Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Addressing Guide
First publish date
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To use Global Type Ahead as a service from Management Console:

  1. Open the Management Console.
  2. Under the Services tab, select Global Addressing.
  3. From the list of services on the left side of the pane, select Global Type Ahead.
  4. On the Database Resources tab, specify the Global Type Ahead database resource to use.
  5. Click Save to save your database selection.
  6. Click the Default Options tab.
  7. On the Default Options tab, specify the options you want. For information on the options, see Options.
  8. If you make changes to the global default options, click Save to save those changes. Any changes you make to the global default options are also applied to Global Type Ahead in Enterprise Designer.
  9. Click the Preview tab.
  10. In the AddressLine1 field, enter the complete first line of the address, typically including street and house number.
  11. In the Country field, enter the country name or the two or three-character ISO country code. If you omit the country, Global Type Ahead returns the best available candidates for the Default Country selected on the Default Options tab. For a list of ISO codes, see ISO Country Codes and Coder Support.
  12. You can further filter results by providing a city, state/province, or postal code.
  13. Click Run Preview.
  14. In Preview Output Records on the right side of the pane, note that the results of the search have been placed in the appropriate output field. For information on the output fields, see Output.