Global Type Ahead covers street addresses and Points of Interest (POI) for the following countries. The three-digit ISO country code is shown for each country. For a complete list of all ISO country codes, see ISO Country Codes and Coder Support.
Note: The POI data must be purchased separately. POI and category/subcategory features are
accessible only if available and you have licensed and installed POI data. Street
address data is packaged with the Spectrum Global Addressing Management.
- Andorra (AND)
- Australia (AUS)
- Austria (AUT)
- Bahrain (BHR)
- Belgium (BEL)
- Brazil (BRA)
- Canada (CAN)
- Czech Republic (CZE)
- Denmark (DNK)
- Finland (FIN)
- France (FRA)
- Germany (DEU)
- Greece (GRC) (Does not include POI information)
- Hungary (HUN)
- Ireland (IRL)
- Italy (ITA)
- Japan (JPN)
- Kuwait (KWT)
- Liechtenstein (LIE)
- Luxembourg (LUX)
- Mexico (MEX)
- Netherlands (NLD)
- New Zealand (NZL) (Does not include POI information)
- Norway (NOR)
- Oman (OMN)
- Poland (POL)
- Portugal (PRT)
- Qatar (QAT)
- Russia (RUS)
- Saudi Arabia (SAU)
- Singapore (SGP)
- Slovakia (SVK)
- Slovenia (SVN)
- South Africa (ZAF)
- Spain (ESP)
- Sweden (SWE)
- Switzerland (CHE)
- Thailand (THA)
- Turkey (TUR)
- United Arab Emirates (ARE)
- United Kingdom (GBR)
- United States (USA)
Note: See the current Database Release Notes for more details of country coverage and data