Options - 23.1

Spectrum Addressing Guide

Product name
Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Addressing Guide
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Global Type Ahead uses the default options settings to define address retrieval processing.

Table 1. Global Type Ahead Options
Option Name Country Support Description
Database All The database to use for Global Type Ahead processing. Only databases that have been defined in the Database Resources panel in the Management Console are available.
Default Country All The default country for address match processing.
Search type All The Global Type Ahead search options:
Search for street addresses.
Point Of Interest
Search for Points of Interest (POI).
Search for street addresses within a specific city.
Search for street addresses within a specific state.
Search for street addresses within a specific postal code.
Max candidates All The maximum number of search candidates returned. The maximum is 99. The default is 5.
Fuzzy match All Global Type Ahead implements algorithms that optimize the retrieval of addresses and POIs, even when the input spelling is incorrect or incomplete. These capabilities are referred to as Fuzzy Match, and are implemented through match setting constraints.
Fuzzy Match is disabled by default.
Hard Match
The hard match allows one character substitution, insertion, deletion, or transposition.
Soft Match
The soft match allows two character substitutions, insertions, deletions, or transpositions.
Match on address number All You can specify Match on address number to determine if a house number match is required to get a match. If this match restriction is checked, then returned candidates must match the input house number. By default, the Match on address number box is unchecked, which means that returned candidates do not have to match the input house number. If the input does not contain a house number, the Match on address number restriction has no effect.