Using the Global Type Ahead Java Script Component - 23.1

Spectrum Addressing Guide

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Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Addressing Guide
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To use the Global Type Ahead Java Script Component:

  1. Start Spectrum and your web server.
  2. Open a web browser and point to your web server. For example, if your server is named "myserver" and your server uses port 82, you would go to: http://myserver:82.
  3. Begin typing your address in the Address Search fields. Potential candidates start displaying with the third character typed.
  4. If you type in an address that is a high rise with secondary ranges (APT numbers), the type ahead display indicates how many secondary ranges (APTs) are available. Click on the type ahead display item to see the secondary ranges for that address.
  5. Select the final address.
  6. The address is validated (using Global Address Validation) and displays displayed in Search Result section at the bottom of the page. The result is also exposed as fields for the end user which can further be used (as per application requirement) in the customer application or page. The fields are:
    • selectedRangeItem - This field outputs the object of the selected high-rise address with the high rise and includes secondary ranges (if any).
    • selectedResult - This field outputs the object of the secondary range from the above selected high-rise address or a possible selected candidate from the list.
    • selectedAddress - This field outputs the address format of the selected address that also appears in the type ahead text box.
  7. To filter the results for the address you are typing, before typing the address, change the country or specify a city, state, or postal code. As you type a city or postal code, you will be provided with a list of validated alternatives.