Installing Spectrum Global Addressing Management SPD Files - 23.1

Spectrum Addressing Guide

Product name
Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Addressing Guide
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You must be a Spectrum Technology Platform administrator (admin) to perform this task. Before deleting data, verify that the data is not being used by a database resource in the Management Console.

To download and install a Spectrum Global Addressing Management database resource in the Spectrum Product Database (SPD) format:

  1. Select and download your licensed SPD format files (xxx.spd) from the Precisely Data Experience site. If the download is a zip file, extract it to a temporary location.
  2. Verify that the Spectrum Technology Platform server is running before you continue.
  3. Open a Spectrum command line window.
  4. Connect to the Spectrum Technology Platform server by typing this command:
    connect --h servername:port --u username --p password --s TrueOrFalse

    If your Spectrum server requires a secure connection, set --s True. The default is False.

    For example,
    connect --h myserver:8080 --u admin --p myPassword1 --s False
  5. Install the data to the Spectrum server by typing:
    productdata install --f fileOrDirectory --w TrueOrFalse

    To wait for the installation to complete, set --w True. To allow the installation to proceed in the background, set --w False. The default is False.

    For example,
    productdata install --f E:/GAM/GAE092019.spd --w False

    If installing a Spectrum product with multiple .spd files, then use the folder path to the files. The command installs the data files that are in the folder and subfolders.

    For example,
    productdata install --f E:/GAM/GAV --w False
  6. After you install the SPD files, see either Using Management Console to Create a Database Resource or Using CLI Commands to Create a Database Resource to define the database as a resource.

For more information about the Product Data specific CLI commands, see Product Data under Administration Utility in the Spectrum Technology Platform Administration Guide.