Deleting Spectrum Global Addressing Management SPD Files - 23.1

Spectrum Addressing Guide

Product name
Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Addressing Guide
First publish date
Last updated
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You must be a Spectrum Technology Platform administrator (admin) to perform this task. Before deleting data, verify that the data is not being used by a database resource in the Management Console.

Do not manually delete the SPD files from the location where the server extracted the SPD files. Instead, use these CLI commands to delete the SPD files. For more information about the Product Data CLI commands, see "Administration Utility" in your Spectrum Technology Platform Administration Guide.

  1. Verify that the Spectrum Technology Platform server is running before you begin.
  2. Connect to the Spectrum Technology Platform server by typing this command:
    connect --h servername:port --u username --p password --s TrueOrFalse

    If your Spectrum server requires a secure connection, set --s True. The default is False.

    For example,
    connect --h myserver:8080 --u admin --p myPassword1 --s False
  3. Run the productdata list command to view the details for the currently installed SPD files. The results provide current information without having to access the file system. We recommend using this command before using the productdata delete command to make an informed decision about the data to delete.
    Open a Spectrum CLI window and type the following:
    productdata list
  4. Run the productdata delete command to delete the SPD files from the Spectrum Technology Platform:
    productdata delete --p productName --c Component --q Qualifier --v Vintage
    For example,
    productdata delete --p GAM --c GAV --q GAV_DEU --v SEP2019