Match Analysis by Country - 23.1

Spectrum Addressing Guide

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Spectrum Technology Platform
Spectrum Addressing Guide
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The Spectrum Global Address Validation Match Analysis by Country Report provides address matching summary statistics for each country processed in your job. For instructions on how to use reports, see the Spectrum Technology Platform Dataflow Designer's Guide.

Summary of Matched Elements

This section contains summary information on matched elements for each country.

Total country records
The total number of input records processed for the country listed.
House number matched
The number and the percentage of records that matched on the house number.
Street name matched
The number and the percentage of records that matched on the street name.
City name matched
The number and the percentage of records that matched on the city name.
Postal code matched
The number and the percentage of records that matched on the postal code.
State/Province matched
The number and the percentage of records that matched on the state/province.

Precision Code Counts

This section provides statistics on the number and the percentage of records in your job that matched for each precision code. The precision code describes the level of precision for each record's address match.
Note: The "Precision code counts" section on the Match Analysis Report only displays when you check the Precision output option.

Precision Code B Category

PO Box level candidates return a precision code beginning with the letter B. The number following the B in the precision code provides more detailed information on the accuracy of the match.

Precision Code B1
The number and percentage of records that matched to an unvalidated PO Box. Although there is enough information in the record to identify this as a PO Box, not enough information exists to determine whether the PO Box number is valid.
Precision Code B2
The number and percentage of records that matched to a validated PO Box.

Precision Code G Category

Geographic level candidates return a precision code beginning with the letter G. The number following the G in the precision code provides more detailed information on the accuracy of the match.

Precision Code G1
The number and percentage of records that match to state/province (area name 1).
Precision Code G2
The number and percentage of records that match to county/region (area name 2).
Precision Code G3
The number and percentage of records that match to city/town (area name 3).
Precision Code G4
The number and percentage of records that match to suburb/village (area name 4).

Precision Code S Category

Street level candidates return a precision code beginning with the letter S. The character following the S in the precision code provides more detailed information on the accuracy of the match.

Precision Code SC
The number and percentage of records that matched at the house-level that has been projected from the nearest segment.
Precision Code SG
The number and percentage of records that matched to a point at the center of a locality (area name 3) or locality level geocode. An SG result code is associated with GNAF Reliability Level 5 (locality or neighborhood) or with Level 6 (unique region). (Australia addresses only.)
Precision Code SL
The number and percentage of records that matched to a sublocality (block or sector) street level match. An SL result code also requires a match on other geographic input fields (city, district, or state). (India addresses only.)
Precision Code SX
The number and percentage of records that validated at a street intersection.
Precision Code S0
The number and percentage of records where parts of the address may have matched the source data.
Precision Code S1
The number and percentage of records that resulted in a single match to a ZIP Code™ or postal code 1 level. This is the same quality match as a Z1 result.
Precision Code S2
The number and percentage of records that resulted in a single match to a ZIP + 2 or partial match to postal code 2 level. This is the same quality match as a Z2 result.
Precision Code S3
The number and percentage of records that resulted in a single match to a ZIP + 4® or postal code 2 level. This is the same quality match as a Z3 result.
Precision Code S4
The number and percentage of records that matched at the street level.
Precision Code S5
The number and percentage of records that matched to the street address.
Precision Code S6
The number and percentage of records that matched to a single point located at a ZIP centroid.
Precision Code S7
The number and percentage of records that matched to a street address that was interpolated between houses.
Precision Code S8
The number and percentage of records that matched to the street address or house number.

For more information about the S precision code, see the Global Address Validation Output section.

Precision Code Z Category

The Z category indicates that a match was made at the postal code level. A postal code match is returned in either of these cases:
  • You specified to match to postal code. The resulting match is located at the postal code with the following possible accuracy levels.
  • There is no street level match and you specified to fall back to postal code.
Precision Code Z1
The number and percentage of records that match to the ZIP Code or postal code 1.
Precision Code Z2
The number and percentage of records that result in a ZIP + 2 or partial match to postal code 2.
Precision Code Z3
The number and percentage of records that match to ZIP + 4 or postal code 2.

Confidence Levels

This section provides a graphical representation of the percentage of records for each country that matched at different confidence levels. The confidence level assigned to a returned address ranges from zero (0) to 100. Zero indicates failure. 100 indicates a very high level of confidence that the match results are correct.
Note: The confidence levels are calculated as a percentage of matched records. Input records that fail (Status.Code=F) and do not match are not included in the confidence level calculations and are not included in the confidence level graph on the report.
Confidence level less than 40
The percentage of records that match at a confidence level less than 40 (low).
Confidence level 40-85
The percentage of records that match at a confidence level between 40 and 85 (medium).
Confidence level greater than 85
The percentage of records that match at a confidence level greater than 85 (high).

Summary of Matched Elements for: Unknown

This section of the report provides matching statistics on records for which the input country code was not recognized and the country was not determined via address match.

Note: This section only displays when the output from your job includes records that did not match on country.

Precision Code Counts for: Unknown

This section provides matching precision statistics on records for which the input country code was not recognized and the country was not determined via address match. The precision code describes the level of precision for each record's address match.

Note: The "Precision code counts" section on the Match Analysis Report only displays when you check the Precision output option.

Summary of Matched Elements for: All Countries

This section of the report provides matching statistics for all input addresses that matched on country for all countries combined.

Precision Code Counts for: All Countries

This section provides matching precision statistics for all input addresses that matched on country for all countries combined. The precision code describes the level of precision for each record's address match.

Note: The "Precision code counts" section on the Match Analysis Report only displays when you check the Precision output option.

Precision Code Definitions

This section provides a reference for the precision codes that display on the report. For more information on precision codes, see the Global Address Validation Output section.

Report Footer

The footer on each page displays the time the report was generated and the page number.